Fickle Fingers

Fickle Fingers    22:02 on Friday, June 22, 2007          

(9 points)
Posted by Orch_Dork

I know it sounds like a really odd topic, and it is. My question is, is there anything you can do to prevent/stop your fingers from bleeding? I practice, between my instruments, between 6-10 hours a day, and my fingers break open a lot. I've tried everything to get them to stop, but nothing i do works. Also, i completely tore the ligiments on my first finger awhile back, and it doesn't seem to be healing very well. I can't seem to achieve a great vibrato anymore with it, and my doctor just says it should be completely healed and i'm a wuss. Is there damage there that could be permanate? Is it something i should lose sleep over?

Re: Fickle Fingers    16:48 on Sunday, June 24, 2007          

(44 points)
Posted by violinist92

Playing 10 hours a day is very stressful on your poor fingers. Cut back on the number of hours played, you are never going to get them to stop bleeding if you never give them time to heal.

Re: Fickle Fingers    03:01 on Tuesday, August 21, 2007          

(3 points)
Posted by jabberwock_11

I have worked in medicine and physical therapy for ten years now and played the viola for two. The injury that you describe will not heal properly with that sort of practice schedule, you will continue to strain it. The only way for true healing is rest with moderate stretching and practice. The finger cracking can be prevented by using a skin covering such as nuskin or moleskin, but you will still need to decrease your time on the strings not only for healing but also prevention. That ammount of stress is way too much. You can either decrease now or end up not being able to play at all due to finger scars and ligament damage.


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