WOOD CLARINETS    18:52 on Thursday, January 26, 2006          

(16 points)
Posted by gottalovebob

Ok I haven`t been playing for a whole long time but I`m really serious about the clarinet and would like to buy a wood one. I was wondering a couple of things. First around how much does the average wood clarinet cost? Second I know this is a stupid question but is the mouth position different when playing on a wood? Or aka is it different to blow on like playing on rico reeds it`s really easy to play (but sounds ick) where as playing on vandoren v-12 size 3s is harder and it`s hard to switch back to the old reed is it kinda the same thing? Because I want to get a wood for all state and regular playing but I need my plastic for regular band and I wanted to see some things before I jump into something

Re: WOOD CLARINETS    23:35 on Thursday, January 26, 2006          

(395 points)
Posted by StephenK

A well made clarinet will perform well regardless of material. However professionally horns are generally wood so wood will be the best at that level. At an intermediate level though you may face a draw... a plastic clarinet could sound better than a low-end wood and also have its advantages.

Here are some threads of interest:

Wood vs Plastic

AAAH!!! My new Vintage CRACKED!!!

Breaking a clarinet -- in:

Metal Clarinet:

Good Plastic Clarinets:

Do plastic clarinets have better tone?

Wooden Clarinet:

Re: WOOD CLARINETS    15:13 on Saturday, January 28, 2006          

(21 points)
Posted by HeatherMS

To answer about the embechure.....No, it doesnt matter at all.

Re: WOOD CLARINETS    08:10 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          
Re: WOOD CLARINETS    08:16 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          

(16 points)
Posted by gottalovebob

and one more question what different mouth pieces do you suggest? ( maybe I can try to improve that before i improve the instrument)

Re: WOOD CLARINETS    19:09 on Sunday, January 29, 2006          

(9 points)
Posted by drummajorgal

About choosing a clarinet that you like I strongly suggest that you look for a shop that you can go to that will allow you to play the instrument to see what it will sound like. The first few shops I went to would not even let me touch them let alone play them. Finally I then went to another shop that was all to happy to let me play them and see what they were like. It made all the difference because the one that I thought I wanted really did not sound as good as I thought it would. After playing the ones that I was interested in and comparing them I finally settled on the the Buffet R-13 Festival. It really is a nice clarinet. I strongly suggest that you try them before you ultimately decide on one to buy.


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