TRUMPET PLAYING    12:12 on Saturday, September 21, 2002          
(Roshan Randeniya)
Posted by Archived posts

hi, i`ve been playing the trumpet for over 4 years now, i and just made first trumpet in my highschool syphonic band, and after playing for over an hour of high notes yesterday i can`t seem to blow my trumpet today. i got up and tried to play the scales but my lips seemed hard and didn`t vibrate, also when i move from note to note there is this pause where just air goes. yesterday i could reach a high c today i can`t reach even a d. this has happend before and i was wounding if it had anything to do with muscle strengthening. also how long does this last?
thanks for the imput trumpeters.

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    13:34 on Wednesday, October 23, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi!I have been playing the trumpet for 4 aswell. My Grandad says to me for every top C u play, u should play a thousand bottom G`s! So to make your lips better play nothing but bottom G`s for the next few days. Hope this helps!

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    12:14 on Thursday, October 31, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

This really has to do with vocals, evidently it seems to me that you have bent or damaged one of your vocal chords. Perhaps you should start on a low note like a G then slowly moving your way higher uo the scale, using no expression. You are forcing air from your lungs. For more in formation you should visit. or and look at Mark Baxter`s articles on ocal training, etc. Not only does this problem have to do with singing but can also deal with your trumpet. Any questions feel free to e-mail me at

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    12:33 on Monday, December 9, 2002          
(Kyle B.)
Posted by Archived posts

well, trumpet players have good and their bad days of playing. I have heard really good trumpet playerssound like a sixth grader. practicing rabge is good but a few drops can cur but a teaspoon can kill. you must prcatice range but you must learn to rest your lips. your lips are muscles. when you go to the weight room and lift the whole day you should noy go to the weigth room the next day. when you work out muscles you are tearing fibers and you need to let them rest and re-fiber. good luck.
Kyle B.

TRUMPET PLAYING    09:31 on Sunday, October 5, 2003          
(steve e)
Posted by Archived posts

hi . i just bought a trumpet yesterday . ive always been interested in te trumpet . im also in a band . but i have no clue what to do . i cn blow into it n make a sound but thats about all . could some one please email me soem information on how to play a g or e at thanx

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    18:49 on Monday, February 2, 2004          
(Tom G. Schermuly)
Posted by Archived posts

I just started trying to teach myself trumpet, but when I compare my pitch to a keyboard, my trumpet pitch is 1 step below what it "should" be on the keyboard. Is this supposed to happen, or is there a problem with my playing (or, possibly, the trumpet itself)?

Thanks in advance,

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    19:01 on Monday, February 2, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

you probably need to tune the trumpet, also realise, if you already haven`t that the trumpet is a Bb instrument and won`t be the same key as the keyboard, so playing a c on the trumpet would be a Bb on the keyboard. if thats not it its probably your embrocher. keep working at it you`ll get it

Re: TRUMPET PLAYING    09:29 on Tuesday, February 3, 2004          
(Etesian Swarovski)
Posted by Archived posts

Hello there

You have been overpracticing! It can be damaging to your lips to play too much one day, without building up gradually. How much do you normally practice, and how high were you playing? Take a day off, or play in the staff for one day. Your lips should recover quickly, go back to your normal routine, adding more practice by splitting your practice into two sessions. Also warm up before you play, and play pedal tones to loosen your lips when you are done.

Your trumpet is a standard Bb, a Bb on the piano will produce a C (open) on the trumpet.



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