Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!

Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    01:48 on Saturday, May 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I recently got a used bundy piccolo, ebonite body silver plated head/keys. ANywoo, I cud REALLY use some pointers, especially 4 the embouchure and blowing technique which is presenting itself as a bit of a problem. Thanx and have a nice day!

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    19:46 on Saturday, May 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

piccolos rock! first starting out is
kinda hard, but it gets easier.
#1 make a SMALL SMALL hole with your
lips. #2 blow fast air. #3 make sure
you clean it often. #4 be careful
with it. after playing for a couple
weeks/days whatever... you`ll
definetely get better. i sorry your
having trouble. i hope this info
will help. post me back

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    19:48 on Saturday, May 31, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i forgot 2 say that" i hope you have
a nice day too."


Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    22:25 on Sunday, June 1, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

thanx. It helped a lot.

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    15:40 on Monday, June 2, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Its a different embroucher. When you play flute it`s more laid back but when you play the piccolo it`s more like your leaning over the hole almost like when playing low notes on the flute ( atleast thats how it feels to me) Its not that difficult. Just practice practice practice...

Also you might have trouble switching from Piccolo to flute or vice versa because of the different embrouncer. This happens to me ALL THE time. you just have to work with it and practice switching both.
Hope this helps.

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    03:16 on Tuesday, June 3, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

ooh i`ve just got hold of a piccolo myself, and all these pointers are realy helpful. thanx! hmm, stil i like flute better, its easier. lol :P

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    01:52 on Wednesday, June 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

LOL. I totally agree with the easier thing, but I`m not sure I have a favorite...*shrug* anywho, yea, thanx peepz!

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    18:09 on Wednesday, June 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

any time u need flute/piccolo
help....POST ME BACK!


Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    17:04 on Friday, November 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i just got a piccolo from my school and the piccolo is really not that good, i want to get it fixed but im afraid that it will cost alot of money. Its one of my first times playing the piccolo,but i have been playing the flute for five years now, but its just too hard. What should i do?

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    21:11 on Friday, November 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

well dan last yr my freind and I both got the school piccolos. my freinds was really bad so she got it fixed, it cost her $250 and now she cant play a Bflat anymore(the ppl who were fixing it broke it also). mine isnt that good either, the Bflat doesnt work and the F is really hard to play. but we both luv the piccolo and yeah it was hard at first, but ya just gotta keep practicin. I dont know what u should do, but im still playin my piccolo and its really fun.

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    22:22 on Friday, November 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey! I just got 2 piccolos from school today (wood and silver). It`s really annoying that nobody`s cleaned them in forever though. Somebody stole the cleaning rod out of the case and i guess i might have to buy some stuff for them this weekend cuz they`re pretty gross. I`ve only played flute since 6th grade (i`m in 8th now) but i`m first chair in the best band so i automatically got the picc. solo. the noise kind of hurts my ears so i put cotton in them to muffle the horridly high notes lol. i learned too that keeping my embouchure really tiny and firm helps and rolling it in a little bit. anyways, good luck on the piccolo playing!

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    06:36 on Saturday, November 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

If you`re using a school piccolo, the school should really be the one paying for any major overhauls and repairs. It`s not unreasonable to expect the player to pay for pad replacements or slight key adjustments. These would be considered part of normal wear and tear. I think once you start playing it on a regular basis, you`ll see how much fun it is to play piccolo.

Good luck!

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    10:14 on Wednesday, December 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, I`ve played Piccolo for a while now. And I find its easier to get the high notes if you go up the scale slowly. It worked for me and I just thought that I`d give you that tip. Its really is a fun instrument to play. I play it for Pathfinders all the time. Its a great instrument! Have fun.

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    02:42 on Thursday, July 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey I just got a piccolo a few weeks ago. I`m kinda having problems playing some of the really high notes. Do you have to use different fingerings for some of the higher notes? Or is it just a different embrochure?

Re: Piccolo Problems!!!!! Help!    14:53 on Saturday, July 10, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

ive never played a picolo, but i play the flute, and it is pretty much the same thing.All i can really say is practice, that helped me a lot.Try pushing(blowing)your airsteam upward and tighten your lips


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