Music Suggestions?
17:08 on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I need a new piece to start working on. I`ve recently played Telemann`s Suite in a minor and Danse de la Chevra by Honegger, so I want something that is a little more challenging. Any suggestions?
Re: Music Suggestions?
18:05 on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I`m a big fan of Martinu`s sonata and also Taktakishvilli, who was a Georgian composer- it`s a really exciting piece, and very challenging!
Re: Music Suggestions?
21:23 on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
What about Pacabel`s Canon in D? Or have you played it?
Grab a piano book...and play it on the flute...that`s always a challenge (sometimes).
Re: Music Suggestions?
22:12 on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
You should look into a book called "Music by French Composers" it has a lot of nice flute solos in it. The Poulenc and Prokofiev sonatas are a lot of fun. Picking out new music is hard (at least for indecisive people like me), hope that you find something that you like.
Re: Music Suggestions?
22:35 on Wednesday, November 16, 2005
yeah, I have the french composers book, and I was possibly going to start working on the Poulenc if I didn`t find anything else.
I`m working on my undergraduate degree in Music, and I have to keep building up my repertoire with standard flute pieces. I don`t think my flute teacher would be happoy If I told her that I was going to start working out of a piano book..she`d probably kick me out of the studio lol. but thanks...sometimes reading out of a piano book is really good sightreading practice. 
Re: Music Suggestions?
10:29 on Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hi, if you really want to be challenged, try any pieces by Ibert or Jolivet, the Faure Fantaisie is a great piece. Also try the Prokofieff sonata
Re: Music Suggestions?
12:42 on Thursday, November 17, 2005
I never enjoyed the Prokofiev sonata, despite being quite a big fan of his... Wierd that- maybe it`s cos I just can`t get my head around it!
The Poulenc sonata is a superb piece- especially the second movement.