Looking for a song

Looking for a song    13:56 on Sunday, November 17, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Greetings, um, brethren, I guess

I am looking for a particular piece of music, specificially, a Irish song called the Red Admiral Butterfly. Its an incrediable song, with a very haunting melody. The only place I have heard it was a Chieftains/James Galway CD (In Ireland). I don`t know if its copyright to them, or being a folk song, its free. Also, if its a folk song, there exists the possibility that it was never written down in the first place. Can anyone give me a hand?



Re: Looking for a song    15:52 on Tuesday, December 3, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Well...if you go to google or some kinda search engine you can look for and irish sheet music or whatever you want kinda site and go there and type it in if you can! Thats all I can say...


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