clarinet reeds

clarinet reeds    19:10 on Saturday, June 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i was wondering what is the
difference between plastic/
synthetic reeds and regular
ones? and if there is a
difference, which one is beeter.
i was also wondering, what is
the best kind of liar?

re: reeds    07:32 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I have not used plastic reeds in a long time (about 6 years) but the only difference that i noticed then was that they do not break as easily. Sorry I do not know about the liar.

I played the clarinet from third grade to about one year ago (about 10 years), I have never taken this long of a break from it before and have a question. I do not know what size reed to use, when I was 12 I was using a size 4 rico (and also plastic ones) when I moved where I am now my band teacher switched me to a 4.5 in lessons, but then 6 months later she was gone and I could not find a local store that even sold a 4 up here. Should I buy a 3, 3.5, or look online for a 4 or better? Sorry so long!

re: reeds (i forgot something)    07:40 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Oh, I forgot to say something about plastic reeds/ plastic coated reeds besides not chipping as easily. They are better in my opinion for people in marching bands (especially in the Northeast) because they are less effected by the weather (they wont dry out or chip in the cold as easily) thats what originally drew me to them i have been in over 20 parades in NY and several in the south.

ligature    18:41 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i feel o dumb. i did not mean to ask about liars i meant to ask about ligatures! what is the best kind of ligature?

re: reeds    20:19 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I do not know brand names but I have been looking personally into that subject and have found a black one that is sturdier than most when I find the company name I will post it for you if you would like. (I am sick of the silver-colored ones that come with most clarinets they are flimsy and tend to warp after a while.)

Ligatures    20:56 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Well, I have found that the best style of ligature would have to be the fabric build. They hold the reed tight to the mouthpiece, giving great flexability in your tone, I own myself a metal, plastic and fabric, and all I use now is the fabric, unless im in a parade, cause I need crispness, so I go for a Luyben Plastic Ligature. they are inexpensive, and work nicely...

re: reeds    08:44 on Monday, June 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I have never heard of fabric ligatures before I guess thats what I get for living in the sticks. (thats the only thing i ever regretted when i moved away from long island)

Re: Clarinet reeds - when to move from size 3 to 3.5?    20:40 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i think that the reed size anybody uses depends on many factors. Type of mouthpiece; The music you are playing - for example playing in a band needs stronger reed than in a clarinet quartet on with a pianist. It depends also on the lips full bodied lips nees stronger reed than small lips. Sometimes it depends even on the method a person uses the upper teeth.

I have een playing the clarinet for these last 22 years and still use the vandoren size 2 1/2 on the cristal A2 mouthpiece. Sometimes I use size 3 for marches but I find it too hard after some 2 hour continous playing.

Re: Clarinet reeds - when to move from size 3 to 3.5?    20:41 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i think that the reed size anybody uses depends on many factors. Type of mouthpiece; The music you are playing - for example playing in a band needs stronger reed than in a clarinet quartet on with a pianist. It depends also on the lips full bodied lips nees stronger reed than small lips. Sometimes it depends even on the method a person uses the upper teeth.

I have een playing the clarinet for these last 22 years and still use the vandoren size 2 1/2 on the cristal A2 mouthpiece. Sometimes I use size 3 for marches but I find it too hard after some 2 hour continous playing.

Re: Clarinet reeds - when to move from size 3 to 3.5?    23:39 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

What type of clarinet do u play? there are a bunch of different types. anyway, if u play Bb clarinet, then i would recommend size 2 1/2 Vandoren reeds. My teacher says any larger and it doesn`t help your sound. Plus, it depends on your mouthpiece how big can it handle w/ it`s current ligature.

clarinet reeds    03:04 on Thursday, August 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I do play in a band and I have full lips, and my clarinet can hold a pretty big reed. But I have no idea what type of mouthpiece I have, which does not really bug me because I want to buy a new one soon.


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