Easy to Too Hard ??

Easy to Too Hard ??    08:08 on Friday, June 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I rented a Yamaha YOB211 to see if I`d like playing oboe. I find the 211 easy to blow, i.e., not uncomfortably resistant, and it responds with reasonable air pressure. Is this typical of most oboes? Perhaps it`s the reeds or the 211 & reed(s) combo?

After about one month of playing experience, I`d like to purchase a good oboe, but I`m concerned that I might have to sacrifice the comfort I`m now enjoying.

Re: Easy to Too Hard ??    18:02 on Friday, June 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

No matter what the model oboe you have, the reed is really what influences whether or no the instrument is easy to play. My guess is that you`ll be just as comfortable on a better oboe as you are on the 211.


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