Online Rental?

Online Rental?    18:01 on Monday, June 6, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Allright. I`ve got a bit of a delemma here. I`ve played bassoon for three years now to help out the high school band and orchestra. And I`m not continuing with bassoon as my main instrument through college (majoring in music therapy on flute), and then I just had another opportunity to continue bassoon for another few months. I`m part of an experimental orchestra for CO`s anime convention, and our bassoonist hasn`t replied to any emails or shown up for practise, so I would *love* to cover his part (I`m second flute, so it wouln`t be a great loss), but I`m probably not allowed to keep the school`s instrument into the school year. I`ve contacted the double reeds proffesor at the university and he hasn`t called back. I`ve also got several other contacts, but does anybody know of an online rental site just so I can have another backup source?


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