I need help with some notes!!

I need help with some notes!!    22:12 on Tuesday, June 16, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

Well, somehow I got picked to play some of the bassoon parts in "The Music Man" (Especially the one in "Marian the Librarian") I am not really a bassoon player so I don't know why they picked me lol. I have been practicing and can get some of the notes, but I am really having trouble getting the low notes to sound like actual notes and not just a loud honk. I can play a low g without problems, but the song goes down to a low c. I'm having trouble getting low Db and C. It could be the instrument because I just have an old plastic linton right now, but I am going to try a different one soon. (I don't know what kind it is.) Is there anything else I should be doing to get the low notes to sound or any tips that could help me play the bassoon in general? Thanks!


Re: I need help with some notes!!    11:17 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

Sounds like the horn may have some leaks. Is there any way the school could have it checked out for you?

Otherwise, if you don't cover the hole properly on the first finger left hand, you won't get the low notes. Another thing to try is putting on your whisper key lock (if you have one) to see if that helps you on the low notes.

Good luck!

Re: I need help with some notes!!    18:25 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

Well, We already sent it in to get fixed once because when my band teacher found it it was in pretty bad condition. They play tested it before it came back, but the shop that fixed it isn't very good with "unique" instruments, or so I've heard, so I was thinking of sending it in again to the place that does adjustments on my oboe and see if they do a better job. Also, where would I find the whisper key lock if there was one?

Re: I need help with some notes!!    23:30 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

I'm not that familiar with Lintons - maybe someone who is can comment. If there is a whisper key lock, it would either be near the whisper key itself, or as a sort of slide affair near the right thumb. It sounds like you need a private tutor, just to get you started out in the right direction, even if you are not going to be playing the bassoon regularly. Maybe your band director could arrange for someone, or even get an experienced student to give you some pointers.

Re: I need help with some notes!!    23:46 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

I wish I could get a private lesson, but I'm pretty sure that my band director doesn't know anything about bassoons. Also, there is no one in my area that knows how to play it, I guess that's why they picked me. I am also going to order some more reeds to try because I only have one at this point, and I'm not really sure it is in the best shape because I've had it for a long time.

Re: I need help with some notes!!    00:30 on Friday, June 19, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

I just got the other bassoon today, and it is about 1000% better than the 1st one! It is a Lesher, i think, and it sounds beautiful. The Linton must have had some leaks in it, becuase I don't have a problem getting the low notes any more, and also, the high notes sound better as well. Thanks anyways for your replies!


Re: I need help with some notes!!    13:53 on Friday, June 19, 2009          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448

Sounds like you'll have a much more enjoyable time in the show now. Maybe you'll enjoy it so much you'll have to change your name to bassoongirl!

Good luck.


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