reed cases

reed cases    21:21 on Wednesday, November 25, 2009          

(264 points)
Posted by blueeyedbassoon

So, I've done a little research and plan to invest in a good reed case (finally!). Anyway I've seen cases with mandrels and cases with the ribbon system for holding reeds. Any guidance on which kind I should purchase?

Re: reed cases    22:03 on Thursday, November 26, 2009          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

I have mandrel type cases and ribbon type cases and really I don't feel there is much difference. The ribbon type case is usually cheaper and so if this is going to be your one and only case you might want to invest in a mandrel type. I wouldn't get the type that is more like a plastic plug that goes into the butt end of the reed, because your reed will not dry out as well. The wire type mandrel is better for helping dry the reed.

Re: reed cases    13:53 on Saturday, November 28, 2009          

(264 points)
Posted by blueeyedbassoon

Thanks for the input. Before I didn't really know what would be better. That makes sense about the mandrels. I've seen so many more ribbon cases than mandrel cases.


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