a few questions

a few questions    19:13 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Alright, so I basically looked over at my fellow bass clarinetist one day and said, "I`m sick of you, I`m switching to bassoon." Well, I have switched over, but I am having a few problems. When I play b flat (second line from the bottom on the staff) with the whisper key and b flat(space above lines) without the whisper key, the sound doesn`t change. I`m wondering what kind of problem this is...is it my instrument or my embouchure. If anyone can help me, I`d appreciate it.

Re: a few questions    20:29 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

It is really good when starting out to get at least a few private lessons, that would probably help you a lot more than I can. One thing you might check is to make sure the bocal vent is clear. That`s the little hole that the whisper key pad covers. Plug one end of the bocal with your finger and blow into the other end. You should feel air blowing out the vent hole. Keep in mind it is a tiny hole, but you should definitely feel air coming out. If it is plugged up, be very careful about cleaning it out, you don`t want to enlarge the hole, only clear out what is blocking it. If the vent is ok, my guess would be embouchure, but it`s hard to tell from a distance. Good luck.

Re: a few questions    20:33 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I may have misunderstood your post. Which b-flat are you getting? Do you get the upper b-flat even when you press the whisper key, or do you get the lower b-flat even without the whisper key? Color me clueless.

Re: a few questions    20:47 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

the first thing i tried was plugging one end of the bocal and blowing in the other, no air came out the vent, so I`m currently SOL, I kept getting the lower b flat, but i found a little trick, if I play just the right way, i can get the proper b flat.

My school does not offer private lessons, and the only other bassoon player in town is, well, lets say i just shy away from her. I think I can figure it out on my own, with a few hints and tips along the way...so feel free to ya know, add any hints or tips...thanks a bundles

Re: a few questions    20:48 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
(Dwight Listmayer)
Posted by Archived posts

I think a little technical malfunction on the instrument. Oh boy, does RCJ ever have it covered, or cleaned, or everything! Strat man Dwight

Re: a few questions    22:56 on Monday, November 1, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

PJ, try cleaning out the vent hole. Start with something soft, like a bristle from a hairbrush or a broom. If this doesn`t work, you could try a sewing needle, but use the smallest needle you can find and work carefully. Good luck.

Re: a few questions    20:24 on Thursday, November 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i dont kno if any one still checks this forum cuz its from last year, but i had a question. im looking at buying a bassoon for the first time and i found a maestro canadian maple bassoon, i can find no info on this bassoon and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it or what kind of bassoon it is similar to. thanks.

Re: a few questions    18:27 on Friday, November 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Although I don`t know about the bassoon, I have heard of the company. Trust me, don`t buy one. These cheap instruments tend to be extremely subpar.


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