Neck Strap or Seat Strap

Neck Strap or Seat Strap    16:52 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor U.)
Posted by Archived posts

Okay, who uses what here. I personally cant stand the seat straps, but I find that I have more control over the instrument with a neck strap, the only thing i dont like about it, is that when you need to hold the instro vertical, it doesnt work as well as a seat strap, ive used both, but i prefer the neck strap, how about you? Have any of you tried those BG shoulder straps?

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    20:43 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
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hmm what`s a shoulder strap? i wanna see =)

anyways i use a neck strap. ugh. it`s so ghetto... my neck hurts too... but better thing is if you need to get up you don`t have to leave your bassoon on your chair. which is something i hate doing b/c people seem to be attracted to touching things. i shouted at one of my friends b/c he accidentally bumped into the bocal. haha.. he was shocked. i was so piissed. i`d rather take my chances walking around with my bassono than leave it on my chair.

i`ve never tried a seat strap. the school doesn`t have one and i don`t want to buy one. it`d probably slip from under me lol. i`m barely over 100 pounds.. sad, i know... stupid metabolism lol.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    21:46 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor F.)
Posted by Archived posts

hmm what`s a shoulder strap? i wanna see =)

anyways i use a neck strap. ugh. it`s so ghetto... my neck hurts too... but better thing is if you need to get up you don`t have to leave your bassoon on your chair. which is something i hate doing b/c people seem to be attracted to touching things. i shouted at one of my friends b/c he accidentally bumped into the bocal. haha.. he was shocked. i was so piissed. i`d rather take my chances walking around with my bassono than leave it on my chair.

i`ve never tried a seat strap. the school doesn`t have one and i don`t want to buy one. it`d probably slip from under me lol. i`m barely over 100 pounds.. sad, i know... stupid metabolism lol.

^HOLY SH1T JAY. You have this amazing ability to always add in way more detail than necesary. The question wasnt what have you yelled at your friends for. it was what type of device do you use. lol. but dont worry bout it. I personally use a seat strap. I highly prefer the seat strap because it doesn`t put any weight on your neck thereore pulling you downwards. you will tend to sit up straighter with a seat strap. also it just feels so much better to not have all that weight on you. you will be able to move more freely without one aswell. When you first start to use one i`ve noticed that your right thumb can tend to get sore but after a couple practices with the seat strap you get more used to it.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    21:49 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor F.)
Posted by Archived posts

the strange thing about all this is i dont even have a seat strap. My bassoon is a school owned instrument and all it has is an extremely thin cord for a neck strap. because i got used to the seat strap of my old instrument i didn`t want to go back. now what i do is i take the neck strap and i put the loop of it around the leg of my chair. then i just adjust it to the right length. works just like a seat strap.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    21:50 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

haha. i ramble. it makes my posts long. long posts look nice. =)

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    21:59 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor U.)
Posted by Archived posts

Well when you say you have all that weight on your neck with a neckstrap, there really inst that much, its a very bearable amount in my opinion. I support the majority of the weight with the crutch of the bassoon, yet its also not that much because I can work the keywork with my right hand just as fast as people using a seatstrap, and Ive also noticed that with all the other bassoonists ive played with dont use a crutch if they have a seatstrap, do you use a crutch Taylor F.? Jay, heres also the link for the BG shoulder strap, it looks interesting, but im to scared to try one in case i might hate it..

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    22:50 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor F.)
Posted by Archived posts

Well when you say you have all that weight on your neck with a neckstrap, there really inst that much, its a very bearable amount in my opinion. I support the majority of the weight with the crutch of the bassoon, yet its also not that much because I can work the keywork with my right hand just as fast as people using a seatstrap, and Ive also noticed that with all the other bassoonists ive played with dont use a crutch if they have a seatstrap, do you use a crutch Taylor F.? Jay, heres also the link for the BG shoulder strap, it looks interesting, but im to scared to try one in case i might hate it..

Its not that the weight is unbarable. its just the seat strap is more comfortable. and when it comes to music a slight diference in comfort can me a noticeable difference in sound quality. also if you have two people with the exact same skill and one with a seat strap and the other a neck strap the person with the seat strap will be able to finger quicker. the reason you could finger just as quickly as other bassoon players with seat straps is probably because you were better so you could make up for it. and about the crutch i actually have never used one. When i began i had a student model bassoon that was missing the crutch. I started to play with out one and have since gotten used to it. it actually feels really weird to use one now.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    23:00 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

The shoulder strap looks good but it looks so much like a saxaphone!

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    23:33 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
(Taylor U.)
Posted by Archived posts

I think I may have to try a seat strap here just to see if I can finger quicker like you say.....may be worth my while

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    06:38 on Monday, February 28, 2005          
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I use a seat strap. Works well enough for me.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    16:12 on Tuesday, March 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

When I first started bassoon, my director called it a butt strap, somone nearby also called it a butt plug. That sort of scared me because I didn`t know what you had to do with it. But now that I know, I like the idea, because when I would play Alto saxophone, my neck would get so red and sore. But it is sort of hard to get adjusted because it relys on how you are sitting and your body weight, so it isn`t hard if you just stand up to reach some music or whatever, to mess up any comfortable position you had devised.

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    18:17 on Saturday, March 19, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I currently use a neck strap--- I do not use a crutch-- never have, although I`d kinda be interested in finding one. For about a year I played with a seat strap, I found that it really really hurt my wrists and that I actually couldnt play as fast as I can with a neck strap. I`m kinda interested in trying that shoulder strap... although I wouldnt be able to play standing up with it most likely *shrugs shoulders*

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    23:08 on Friday, March 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I play flute, so you may disregard me, but my friends plays bassoon and she uses the seat strap. She couldn`tever stand a neck strap..

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    19:22 on Saturday, June 25, 2005          
(muso girl)
Posted by Archived posts

hey. well i havent actually played an instrument before that needed a neck strap. (i play flute, oboe, piano and bass) i started to play the bassoon a few months ago and my teacher gave me the option of tryin a seat strap or neck strap.i prefer the seat strap as u dont put any weight or strain on your neck. and yes some bassoons do weigh more than others.....

Re: Neck Strap or Seat Strap    15:56 on Monday, June 27, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Definitely go for the seat strap.


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