HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??

HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    20:09 on Saturday, July 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


My first valve gets stuck a lot.
I tried to oil it up with special oil but that doesn`t help. I cleaned all the valves and still the valve opens slow and sometimes doesn`t open I have to open it with my fingers.

I use Sam Ash Premium valve oil, is there something better that I should use?

Which oils are good?

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    20:16 on Saturday, July 26, 2003          
(Tim Parks)
Posted by Archived posts

its not the valve oil it really doesnt matter as long as you arent using a colored valve oil.(changes your valve colors)

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    20:39 on Saturday, July 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You probably dropped it or one of the valve slides went in too far. The only way to fix this is to take it to a music shop

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    21:33 on Saturday, July 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


I didn`t drop it.

What do you mean by saying that the valve went in to much??

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    02:34 on Monday, July 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

There are several things that might be wrong. One, your valve may be dirty, so try cleaning it with a light dish soap. Two, your valve might be dented in, which I believe is unrepairable. Threee, the oil you`re using might be not-so-good. Personally I switched from Al Cass` oil to Zaja oil and found it to be alot better.

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    10:28 on Sunday, August 3, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hey, I had the same problem and the repair guy said that the high levels of calcium in my area, and many other areas, can build up on your valves. he said to try soaking them overnight in veniger, just the bottom metal. I don`t know if that was a good idea, but it took care of the problem and they haven`t stuck since. you may want to check with a local band teacher or player and ask. good luck,

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    21:37 on Wednesday, August 6, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

sup, what you probably did is lay it down on the wrong side for tooo many time. and doing that has maybe, as that other dude said slides went in too far, so in other words find the right side to put it on and then take it in for repairs. keep me update thanks

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    22:41 on Wednesday, August 6, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


My valves work now better.

I just cleaned it well and added a little bit of oil and it seems to work but I still get slow vlaves some times, but I think it`s because of quality of my trumpet!

Thanks a lot for everyones help.

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    16:23 on Sunday, November 16, 2003          
(Ken McGill)
Posted by Archived posts

I had the same problem with my Wayne Bergeron Kanstul horn. I heard of a special oil that a repairman makes at the University of North Texas. I ordered some for 4 bucks and haven`t had a problem since! Everyone who has valve trouble should check this stuff out! is the web address.

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    11:44 on Saturday, November 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


About every 4 or 5 days, my valves get a greenish-yellowish color on it. I tried cleaning it with little soap and water, then putting oil on it, but then 4 or 5 days later, it gets that color again. I think it`s just my horn, but im not sure

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    17:38 on Sunday, November 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

never get bach trumpets!!!!!! they SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    18:04 on Sunday, November 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Well, a stuck valve could have a number or reasons of why its stuck.

-Not oiled well
-Bent valve
-Dirty Valve

If your valve is bent just a smidge, you can buy some pumice and use it. Just apply the pumice to the side of the valve, and sitck it in, and twist it around.... make sure you clean it well. Then rinse it all out VERY GOOD and try put your oil on again. If its still bad, send to the shop to be fixed.

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    19:00 on Sunday, November 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

it could also be out-of-round, which means that the valve tube isn`t perfectly round. any repair shop should be able to take care of that. also it could be temperature changes, since the tube is made of brass and the valve is steel and brass expands and contracts from temperature more than steel it could just be cold since brass contracts when it`s cold and can bind you valves. try keeping that valve warm with your hands for a while and see if it helps.

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    11:56 on Friday, November 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, I saw what was posted about Bell`s Super Lube. My sub par local music store didn`t carry it so I had to go the website. There service is very quick and there very friendly. When I got it and put it on my horn, ooooohhhhhhhh, I love it!!!!!!!

Re: HELP!! my valve gets stuck all the time and I don`t know what to do??    14:03 on Friday, November 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You didn`t mention how long you have been playing.

I know as a beginner my hand position was incorrect (not arched enough). This led to actually pressing the valve down from the side, forcing it to return to the up position slowly. This only happened with the first valve in my case.


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