A Thousand Miles: i need help!

A Thousand Miles: i need help!    00:22 on Sunday, June 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I really need help people who have the sheet music for this song...i really need the vocal sheet music. You know the part where it shows the notes and the lyrics together. I`m creating a MIDI file for this song but it only shows me part of the song lyrics. It shows the lyrics and notes for it for part 1 and 3...and it says to substitute it for the 2 lyrics, it says "see additional lyrics"....but when i play those notes, they dont seem to go with the lyrics...kind of like, too many syllables for the lyrics, and not enough notes to fill them in, so if anyone has the actualy notes for the entire song,actually showing the notes for every part of the song sung...i would very much appreciate it if you could just email them to me. good_charlotte_boy@sbcglobal.net
please people, i really need your help.


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