Re: Annoying sounds

Re: Annoying sounds    19:42 on Sunday, December 21, 2003          
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ugh i hate that sound that reeds play when their mouth pieces aren`t in their horns! talk about glass breaking

annoying sounds    02:09 on Tuesday, December 23, 2003          
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u knoe, i dont like people who cant sing, but think they can, but no one tells them they cant
its annoyin hearin bands out of tune, but they could be beginners, or have a bad conductor
anyway, SAXAPHONES RULE!!!! n tenors are not annoyin if they have good music n are played well (i play tenor)
n how could anyone hate piano, unless its badly out of tune n sounds horrible??? the piano is a really really good instrument (i play piano)

Re: Annoying sounds    23:24 on Wednesday, February 25, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I hate electronic sounds on a keyboard that try and sound like other instruments ie. electronic clarinet, trumpet etc.

I disagree on the oboe thing, listen to Diana Doherty play solo on oboe - its beautiful. She`s an awesome player.

I also think the flute is the most aggravating wind instrument. There`s nothing worse than waking up to screeching high notes of someone practicing. And it has no dynamic variation. Played brilliantly, its alright but give me the clarinet, oboe, bassoon anyday.

Re: Annoying sounds    20:27 on Monday, May 17, 2004          
(tenor sax)
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Tenor saxes are the only real insturment worth playing.

Annoying Sounds    07:01 on Thursday, May 20, 2004          
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Annoying sounds    09:56 on Thursday, May 20, 2004          
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I hate saxophones,oboes, and i play the flute so of course i like that. I also hate trombones.

   23:45 on Thursday, May 27, 2004          
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Shan or whatever his/her name was (sorry) was smart when Shan said that Shan liked the sound of the french horn. Perhaps one of the prettiest and most majestic sounding instruments. That`s why I play it.
This isn`t really a sound I hate, but I hate when people think they know music because they can read guitar tabs.
I hate when those people think they know everything about music and can`t even notate twinkle twinkle little star.
I hate out of tune bands.
I hate the oboe in my band.
I hate the out of tune punk bands that used to play at my high school.
I hate when people do a vibrato with their MOUTH rather than their diaphram!
I hate when people tune with another instrument, tuba or piano, and are 30 cents flat/sharp and don`t fix it and think they are in tune.
I hate little boy choirs. They are talented, but the sound bugs me.
I hate the recorder, to shrill for me.

Im glad I got that off my chest. That was fun.

I heat I heat I heat(sniper;) )    02:51 on Friday, May 28, 2004          
(Svaty pianist)
Posted by Archived posts

I heat people heating
I heat people who hate Classikal/Baroque/!!
I heat "Happy-klappy"!! (=that`s rock in churches)
I heat uncultured (sp?) people!! (eg people who don`t like organs i`m looking at u Amy!!!)
I heat bad band!!
I heat Hight pitch(sp?) piccolos!!
I heat Czech music (you would to ones u hear it)
I heat especialy Czech Country (i heat country anyhow but CZ country esp.)
I heat badly played violons!!!
I heat boring music!!!!!
I heat briteny Spears!!!!
and it goes but i will stop, coz i heat writing
Aaaaah!That felt good man!!

PS: I love Organs they RUUUUUUUUUUUUUULE!!!!!!!!

REhating    02:53 on Friday, May 28, 2004          
(Svaty pianist)
Posted by Archived posts

... I heat writing "Hate" with the good spelling

I hate bad vibrato especially in loud sopranos.    21:37 on Tuesday, June 29, 2004          
(Jim Graham)
Posted by Archived posts

I think there is actually a term for `annoying` or excessive vibrato. Does anyone know what it is?

Re: Annoying sounds    16:51 on Wednesday, July 28, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I hate lego RCX 2.0 beeps, especially when they are near a frequency of 4082. I also hate how flip-flops come in a blue polka-dotted pattern, which sometimes makes me feel deaf and hungry.

Hated sounds    18:22 on Wednesday, July 28, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Comment on the oboe only people who can play the oboe well make it sounf good. It`s a verry hard instrument to learn and to make sound good......... but it can, in the hands of certaont people sound HORRIBLE

I hate when people just blare on trumpets and dont even try to play them *shivers* ( i play the trumpet) but it can sound awsome

Hating    20:51 on Friday, July 30, 2004          
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I hate midi orchestras
I hate beginner string bass, they sound like old
creeky doors!!
I hate beginner orchestras!

annoying sound    09:39 on Saturday, July 31, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i hate when my friend play piano, and she is pretending that she is a good player, but thats not true, she is totaly UNmusical, she has got only techniqe, even less...

Hate    17:32 on Saturday, August 7, 2004          
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I can`t believe no one mentioned this, but I hate French Horns played badly. They sound so bad, and out of tune even if they are in tune. I`ve hated them ever since I heard a French Horn trio played by three begining students at my middle shcool (1 year students). One person missed the key through out the song. It sounded bad every time they hit that note. They didn`t even correct the next time. Saxophones rock, it`s just that you can`t find competant players for it to sound good. Finding a good classical saxophone player is even harder. Bye


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