
Tromboon    14:07 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008          

(3 points)
Posted by Aneurism

So the other day out of complete and utter randomness, i decided to wikipedia the trombone.
And when I did there was a category saying that there was such thing as a "Tromboon."
Basically it's where the bocal is put into the spot where the mouthpiece would go and "POOF" it's a tromboon.

So I decided to try it.
Oh dear.

I think they should write some repetoire for it.

Here's a clip.
(Not of me)

Re: Tromboon    22:36 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Ugh, I looked that up on youtube, and it sounds like a cow that's being executed by having a rusty ballpoint pen stabbed into its throat.

Re: Tromboon    23:12 on Thursday, June 5, 2008          

(136 points)
Posted by theTromboni

They should try murdering some trumpet instead, instead of a poor innocent tbone. by the way, do they just have bits and pieces of bassoons lying around? Where did the get the mouthpieces?

Re: Tromboon    22:14 on Tuesday, June 17, 2008          

(34 points)
Posted by SDC

If you think that sound good, then ur deaf.
it'd work for teaching someone bone though
still sounds like crap
im going to try it


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