Should I learn the trombone or something else?

Should I learn the trombone or something else?    16:03 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey I`m a flute player thats going to do Jazz band next year and flutes can not be in jazz so i might learn the trombone. Should I learn it or another instrument?

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    17:22 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yes learn trombone. Its got a better range of voices that can be played. In jazz it can do effects that are impossible to play on other instruments, such as glissando. But why cant flutes be in the jazz band you want to be in anyway flutes where one of the orignal jazz instruments. Our jazz bands take anyone who wnats to play we have baritones and clarinets and bass clarinets

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    17:42 on Saturday, May 29, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Are band director is kind of dumb like that. I don`t know why flutes can`t be in jazz maybe he`s, lets say, prejudice. I have no idea, but what I really want to play is the bass flute rather than the trombone.

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    05:55 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004          
(Tom W)
Posted by Archived posts

In fairness to your band director, most school jazz bands (and many professional ones) follow the Duke Ellington mold of jazz band - 5 saxes, 4 trombones, 4 or 5 trumpets, piano (and/or guitar), bass, and drums. Much of the music written for jazz bands at this point is also written for such an instrumentation.
As far as your actual choice of instrument, I think the easiest to learn (coming from flute) would probably be the saxophone; the fingerings are certainly similar, and blowing into the saxophone is more natural to a flautist than buzzing a brass mouthpiece. However, most jazz bands have way too many saxes and not nearly enough trombones, so your likelihood of getting to play (or getting to play a reasonably noticeable part) drastically increases if you play trombone.

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    02:14 on Monday, July 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I agree with Tom W. The flute and saxophone are very similar. In fact, when taking my woodwind methods courses in college, they taught the flute and saxophone together in one course.

Is your band director going to actually be teaching jazz in his "jazz band"? Or will he be doing just pop/stage band stuff? There are substitute flute parts that come with many new arrangements of stage band music. There are some latin jazz tunes that call for flute as well. Find out what your director plans on getting you guys to play this year.

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    19:52 on Friday, July 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Tell the teacher to go F*%& him self that there are some great Jazz floutists. Infact im in a band that has a great floutist he is always pulling out solos and sounds really good. It sets our group apart from others and helps us get gigs.

That being said if you want to learn somthing else Trombone is the best instrument in the world but for a floutist id have to agree with others the sax is a good way to go. It is easier in your lips to swich between them than Flute and TBone. But what ever you do, practice!!! nothing is worse than the musician ( i use tghe term loosly here) that is all "I can play any thing." but when they play they suck. Yea they make noise and it even might be in tune but they have no technique.
And lastly if all else fails go sleep with the neighbors wife.

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    13:41 on Saturday, July 17, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Well I started to learn trombone this summer so far but ya know what my ex took the trombone i was supose to get and now i`m stuck with the stupid trombone that does not work and sounds like crap cuz it has a couple of leaks. So i have to pay to get it fixed. So its dumb!!

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    13:17 on Thursday, August 19, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Probably your teacher isn`t being prejudice. Maybe there`s just no flute part for the pieces he has in mind. Don`t feel bad. Learning another instrument will be great, so if you audition for a University or Military band, they require you to double as a alto sax player. And if you triple as a trombonist, i think no one stands a chance against you.

Re: Should I learn the trombone or something else?    14:56 on Thursday, August 19, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

In our modern jazz band criteria is 5 sax 4 bones 4 trumpets. Every once in a while there is a flute part but very rarely. If i were you i would pick up the saxaphone. If you plan to become a professional musician you would be smart picking up the flute because of the fact that when you enter the world of doing gigs and what not being able to play flute/sax/clarinet/oboe/basoon will make it easier for you to make it. BUT IF YOU DONT pick up the trombone and kick ass. just remember to work slowly and dont expect results immediatly. also on another note, i heard that Flute is the NATURAL orchestral double for trombone because the embochure is the same. anyone heard this before?


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