Wieviel Zeit?

Wieviel Zeit?    03:59 on Monday, October 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

How much time does your orchestra get to practice in between concerts?

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    05:14 on Monday, October 20, 2003          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

We do four concerts a year and the year runs from the beginning of September to the end of June. So I guess that`s an average of 11 weeks per concert. Plus a couple of extra rehearsals just before the concert plus often an extra sectional. So 13 or 14 rehearsals (depending on holidays) of two hours each.


Re: Wieviel Zeit?    09:40 on Monday, October 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Do u guys get paid for rehersals? I find it so unfair...when like sometimes we are not paid...caz it`s like eating into our time...But I`m not saying that rehersals aren`t imp. They are...but Hmmm...But one funny thing abt. orchestra rehersals...(not sure whether u guys are like us)..I make it a pt to note what pp wear on non full dress day. Caz it`s always so funny. U can find the most dignified/serious concert master or first chair or principal violinist so shabbily dressed. Ha Ha! Even for me...I just turn up in shorts and slippers...which makes it like so fun and since everybody is like that, so it`s kinda hip...What abt. u guys? Do u do the full dress thing always?

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    05:33 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

O I`m not a professional player. I play in two orchestras of the "good amnatreur" variety. The type that plays the standard repertoire and gives performances in the town hall.


Re: Wieviel Zeit?    09:52 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

How is the concert master like? Is he tough on u guys? And are yr chairs fixed or does the concert master keeps switching yr chairs? Caz I`ve seen district /town orchestra rehersals and I find it even tougher than big time orch.Esp. so, when the string players were constantly promoted or demoted during rehersals...so it`s like the seating arrangements keep changing...Oh My! So stressful!And so humiliating!...Luckily for me, caz we are fixed throughout the years to come. How about u? Are u guys fixed?How did u come to join the orchestra? Did u register yrself and was auditioned? BTW, where are u from? Is the music scene vibrant from where u came? Do u need to go for sectional practice everyday? Or izzit once in a week? I personally prefer the once in a week type...Caz playing the same thing everyday is just so !?$%#! But we dun have a choice, caz we have to turn up everyday...just like working days for us... What abt. u? Sorry for asking so many questions, but I get very excited when talking to fellow musicians...

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    12:42 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

It`s a once a week rehearsal. Places are fixed, except that when someone new enters the orchestra they may go in almost anywhere (not at the very front, but certainly not at the back if their good enough). It pretty much works by mutual concensus in the viola section which is where I am: I sit on front desk in one orchestra because the people who have been there longer don`t want to sit on front desk. At the other orchestra the front two desks are pretty com,petitive but behind that everyone seems to be fighting to sit at the back!

We don`t audition for either orchestra (possibly for section leader places, and wind players would have to audition) but there is a system whereby new players who are unknown spend one rehearsal sitting next to the section leader and after that get told whether they are good enough or not.

I`m in the UK.


Re: Wieviel Zeit?    22:26 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I play in an amateur orchestra, and we practice for 2.5 hours a week. We have concerts every couple of months. (I would like more concerts)Our seating arrangements stay consistent, which is annoying, because I play 2nd clarinet and I am better than the 1st clarinet. Our concertmaster is really nice, and she is also a fantastic musician.

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    08:43 on Wednesday, October 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Elizabeth, I read yr reply. And I must say, the way u put it is quite funny really...about the seating at the back thing. Reminds me of school days. Especially when the teacher is going to conduct a quiz, workshop or verbal mop test kinda thing. Then everyone will just scramble to get the best `hidden` spot at the last row...Ha! Is that what u mean? Hiaek Hiaek

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    20:09 on Wednesday, October 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Have you ever been a concertmaster?
I`m the concertmaster of a junior high orchestra. It`s not very hard, because there`s this other guy from the school that chooses what we play, and he TRIES to keep all the members (including me) in line.
We usually do four to five concerts a year, so it`s about two months of practice. I was beginning to think that was a lot.
Thanks for the replies.

Re: Wieviel Zeit?    00:06 on Thursday, October 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Wow concert master! Salute Harvey! SALUT!


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