PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    08:51 on Friday, July 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi everybody,
First I would like to say pardon my stupid english, I know it`s bad. And btw, I don`t play any musical instrument though I would love to learn...I`m still trying to choose one..

Anyway, I`ve heard this melody in some movie days ago, and I instantly fell in love with it!! I thought it`s so beautiful! The woman was playing an instrument which looks like the violin but I don`t think the violin sounds that way. So I searched up the net and found about the viola..(yes I`m ignorant enough to not know anything about it before)
And now I think it was the viola. Still not sure.. So I recorded the melody and uploaded it. Maybe someone can help. Sorry for the quality, but please tell me if it`s really the viola. AND IF YOU KNOW WHAT`S THAT A SEMPHONY OR WHAT PLEASE TELL ME. I need to know that too.

Thanks in advance

Re: PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    09:06 on Friday, July 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    18:08 on Friday, July 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

From the sound of it, it sounded a bit like a folk fiddle of some sort. It might be a viola, but it sounded slightly different. Also it was someone playing a folk tune with very little vibrato, which affects the sound somewhat.
So in order to answer your question, I have to ask; was the instrument bigger or smaller than an ordinary violin? If smaller, it`s probably a fiddle of some sort ( which is like a violin, but tends to have a few important differences that affect the sound ). If it was bigger, then it`s probably a viola.
Good luck in your search

Re: PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    18:13 on Friday, July 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Here is a sound sample of a viola played in folk music:

[ There is also a clarinet and double bass playing ]

Re: PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    15:42 on Sunday, July 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I am almost 100% that the instrumnet you are hearing is a viola. You can hear the low notes of the c string very easily. It couldn`t be a violin because a violin doesn`t have a c string. Anyway, i hope that helped.

Re: PLEEEEEEASE HELP!!    14:20 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I always love to hear that there`s someone who wants to learn an instrument! If you`re still trying to decide which instrument to start on, I personally recommend piano. It (obviously) doesn`t require embouchure practice, i.e. trumpet, flute. An electronic piano doesn`t require tuning, and some come with built-in lesson programs. Piano is different from violin-family instruments and wind instruments due to the fact that tone quality is not a concern - i.e., a violin player has to worry about finger placement, a flute player embouchure - whereas a piano player simply presses the keys. Piano isn`t for everyone, and some people find the coordination between two hands playing two different melodies very difficult. I myself play piano, viola, and flute, and like I said before, I recommend piano. However, if you`re also interested in viola, that`s great to, because there are sooo few violists out there and the violinists always think they`re so hot. Play viola if you like warm, rich, throaty tones; play violin if you like harsher, brighter melodies; cello for the sad, beautiful singing A string, and bass for low, earthy rumbles.


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