
:-)    00:05 on Monday, December 23, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

For one thing, there are no biblical commentaries in the Bible, you read the actual Bible and learn from it.
You have read issues about stuff in the Bible but have you actually read the Bible? It`s just that people who read the Bible that don`t believe something in it and write about it in a paper usually leave out the truth. Who ever printed the Bible you read probably didnt believe in God because in the one I have it basically says that if you have pride in yourself then you think that you are better than God and you will go to Hell. I actually have Bibles that say two completely different things about some facts, for instance one says that during one of the plauges of Egypt it just HAILED (ice) and the other Blble it HAILED FIRE and BRIMSTONE, a very big difference. I have listened to my father who always taught me about things in the Bible who actually read the Bible. Do you know who Satin is, in the beginning he was Gods most powerful angel, he was so poweful that he thought he was better than God, since he had pride in himself, God threw him out of Heaven and into Hell.

In my King James Bible, in the very back, it says that the word pride in "The NATIONAL CONCORDANANCE TO THE HOLY BIBLE" on page 1527 is defined as,

Pride- conciete, disdane
1 Sam. 17:28, "I know thy P"
Prov. 8:13, "p, and arrogancy, and the"
13:10, "by p cometh contention"
16:18, "p...before distruction"
Mark 7:22, "blasphemy, p, foolishness"
1 John 2:16, "and the p of life"

__These are actuall quotes from the bible and by the way, p means pride in the qoutes from above. :-) If you have a bible, I want to know what it says about pride in the text of definable words in the bible.

:-)    00:23 on Monday, December 23, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Conceit- vantiy or an elaborate extended metaphore
Disdain- to show contempt for.
contempt- a feeling that someone or something is inferior and undesirable. Open disrespect or willful disobedience.

whether or not to play the viola    17:38 on Monday, December 23, 2002          
(John Jankowski)
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Manny,

You seem to vacilate a bit about the viola. Stick with it. I`m fifty and I started the viola about a month ago. My reason is that I missed playing duets with my daughter during our last vacation. My daughter plays the violin and I wouldn`t dream of also playing the violin (she`s very good - ten years old and in two orchestras and one string ensemble). And I couldn`t lug a piano or even a keyboard on a trip...or a cello for that matter. So maybe next summer, it`ll be violin-viola duets.

By the way, small violas (up to 14") are easier to learn on than larger ones. I`m renting a 16" one and it`s difficult since I never played a string instrument before I started lessons. But when I pick up my daughter`s 4/4 violin, it`s pretty easy.

And opportunities to play abound. There is a vacant chair for the violist in my daughter`s ensemble and only two violists in the easier of her two orchestras. We desperately need young violists here. You wouldn`t happen to live on Staten Island NY, would you?

survey says...    21:29 on Tuesday, December 24, 2002          
(Brian H.)
Posted by Archived posts

First of all I was not referring to commentaries IN the Bible. I meant commentaries OF the Bible, written by people to explain and analyze various sections. And many agree that the meaning of the word "pride" has changed subtly over the years. I have read both the New International and King James versions of the Bible, and I am going by both.
And by the way, to hail means to pour down, usually ice from the sky, but it can be used to refer to other large amounts of objects. So just because it didn`t say the words "fire and brimstone," it doesn`t mean it definitely refered to ice.

:-)    23:30 on Thursday, December 26, 2002          
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First of all I was not referring to commentaries IN the Bible. I meant commentaries OF the Bible, written by people (pollitically correct people) to explain and analyze various sections. (Yes I know, which cannot be done because you would have to read the whole bible to understand the commentaries they write.)
And many agree that the meaning of the word "pride" has changed subtly over the years. (What do you mean changed, who says, over how many years? My bible was made in the 1944 which is before people started to change them.)
I have read both the New International (people who read the king james version and changed part of it to thier own liking and created their own bible.) and King James (the actual man who put togeather the bible piece by piece) versions of the Bible, and I am going by both. And by the way, to hail means to pour down, usually ice from the sky, but it can be used to refer to other large amounts of objects. So just because it didn`t say the words "fire and brimstone," it doesn`t mean it definitely refered to ice. (But other people dont know that!, people who publish and print out the bible that dont believe the fire and brimstone part would lieve it out because they dont truly believe in God. The bible is the most popular book in the world, so before they print it and make their big bucks, they can do whatever they want with it like change the parts they dont belive.)

1. Who is lucifer?

2. Why was this angel cast out of Heaven?

- if you know the answers to these questions then you know the answers and comments to everything from above.

re:    17:00 on Friday, December 27, 2002          
(Brian H.)
Posted by Archived posts

1. Lucifer is Satan, thrown out of heaven by the Lord and defeated by the Archangel Michael when he resisted.
2. He was thrown out because he envied God`s power.

And I am talking about analytical commentaries by preachers, missionaries, and ministers, not politically correct people.

and as a bonus...    20:41 on Friday, December 27, 2002          
(Brian H.)
Posted by Archived posts

It took me a while to find this, but let me know what your thoughts are on it:

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said it in your heart:
`I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, on the farthest side of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most high`
Yet you shall be brought down by Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit." Isaiah 14:12-15

Since pride is a feeling caused by thinking you can already do something, and envy being the wanting of something later on, all the "I will" phrases sound more like envy than pride.

:-)    12:07 on Saturday, December 28, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

2. Why was this angel cast out of Heaven?
-- He was thrown out because he envied God`s power.

2. Why was this angel cast out of Heaven?
--Gods most powerful angel ( Lucifer, not he!) was cast out of Heaven because Lucifer thought that it self was as good as God, but didn`t envy God. God gave Lucifer soo much power that Lucifer said that "I am so proud of myself because I am good as God", but God said "How can you be good as me when I created you?" God threw Lucifer out of Heaven and into hell because of Pride, because no one can be good as God.

--In fact God gave lucifer soo much power that Lucifer can go into the minds of weak minded people and give them little suggestions which causes: murder, fighting, War, hatred, confusion of the mind and basically whatever makes this world a bad place.

1. Does praying to GOD do anything?

re    22:05 on Saturday, December 28, 2002          
(Brian H.)
Posted by Archived posts

Think, if Lucifer was proud of himself, wouldn`t he say I AM as high as God, rather than I WILL BE as high as God? And yeah, praying does help.

:-)    01:36 on Sunday, December 29, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

If Lucifer was proud of himself, Lucifer would say "I AM as high as God" because being proud means being perfect as God. One more thing, Lucifer isn`t a he or she.

Maby I should be more specific.

1. Does praying directly to GOD do anything?

like, "Oh God, I hope tomorrow`s a good day."

Whoa...    12:48 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I never expected this conversation to reach the extents of religion. I`m not even religious. Personally, I`m not even taking part of this forum anymore, I don`t think. I`m just sitting here amusing myself with how this forum is going and making a comment every now and then. I really find this forum quite a pointless thing to do now. But, it is nice to know that there are other forums out there where you can debate over things, such as pride.

??????????    12:56 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
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I thought this was a viola forum

This is....    13:21 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
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This is a viola forum. This has just led off to a different topic. If you`d like to discuss matters on the viola, go straight ahead.

:-)    21:24 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Susan, read the first page (Martinas reply).

:-)    21:30 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

On almost every forum some people have been talking like Martina. I like the Viola along with every other instrument equally, but people like Martina dont think the same way as I. And another thing, if someone wants to bring up another topic then fine, but no one has done really that yet.


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