Violin or viola

Violin or viola    12:25 on Sunday, September 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

you should rent the cello. i just started playing it and it was easy to learn. And this is my first string instrument. It sounds great. U should pick the cello instead of the violin and viola.

Re: viola or violin    16:58 on Thursday, September 30, 2004          
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Some violinists `convert` to viola because they think it will be easier, but I disagree. Violists have easier parts in orchestra, yes , but if you are serious about playing and want to go past the stereotypical violist, then you have to learn treble clef and shift more.

your right    15:00 on Friday, October 22, 2004          
(Viola Learnerr)
Posted by Archived posts

Topper, you`re right. Viola players may have less parts, but we are not as cocky.

Plus, if you ask me, they have a much better sound.

Viola    01:31 on Saturday, December 18, 2004          
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So, I`m wondering if the person who started this thread got into the viola world, or decided on violin? Viola has got to be the way to go! Sorry violinists, but you are a dime a dozen! Anyhow, it does require more shifting, greater hand strength (but not like cello) and of course that wierd clef. But, what other string instrument, say sitting in 5th chair, is CENTRAL to the whole orchestra? Now that is awesome, performing a major symphony in the middle of 100 musicians! ! !
I have a Gliga Vasile that I happened upon in Denver CO, it has served me well and the compliments on the finish/varnish are endless. But there is also something wonderful about an old viola that I would love to get my hands on one. One day. Anyhow, if you can`t decide which instrument to play, keep in mind that there are tons of resources for violists out there, and since less people play - there is a great sense of community! :~) They are cheaper than cellos and more unique than a violin. How can you resist? :~)

Re: viola or violin    18:18 on Tuesday, December 28, 2004          
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I`ve been a string player for more than 10 years, and I`ve played all of the instruments to some degree. Violin and viola are the two I know best, and viola is the one I played semi-professionally.

The viola jokes online are NOT representative of actual attitudes towards violists. Violists are not considered second-class citizens, nor are they habitually given bad parts. Many famous composers were actually violists (even though most people don`t know that), and so they wrote very good viola parts.

If you like the sound of the viola, then I think you should learn it. Many people don`t even know what it is, but playing it is quite rewarding.

Of course, I am a strong advocate of music education in general -- that`s my job! Feel free to email if you have any questions.

i love playing viola    05:57 on Wednesday, January 19, 2005          
(classical babe)
Posted by Archived posts

As i said i love playing my viola. Ive been playing for 6 years now and starting year 11. I think playing the viola was the best desicion i`ve ever made and i`d have it no other way. I`ve noticed that on the viola we get more expressive music, slower types that let us show off our lower notes. Correct me if i`m wrong, but i`ve noticed at school that the violinists play fast high music. I`ve never really heard anything other than that from a violin. i just think that playing the viola is something you should deffinately try.

Re: viola or violin    20:36 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005          
(violin grl)
Posted by Archived posts

does anyone know the notes for smoke on water on the bass?


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