Can I use viola strings to my violin?

Can I use viola strings to my violin?    16:25 on Saturday, August 7, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi everyone, I play the violin and thought it`s about time to change it to viola. But since there are not enough money i was thinking of just changing the strings and make my violin sound like a viola.
So has any of you tried something like that?
If i am not mistaken the G,A and D strings are the same in both instruments so i could just buy a C viola string and keep using the G,A,D violin ones.
Is that correct?

Re: Can I use viola strings to my violin?    19:43 on Saturday, August 7, 2004          
(Kyle H.)
Posted by Archived posts

No. viola strings are to long and may be to thick if you`re using synthetic strings. You`re instrument will sound washed out. The only way to make it sound real good is to use lots of rosin.

Re: Can I use viola strings to my violin?    12:27 on Sunday, August 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yes, of course you can...but bear in mind that it won`t sound quite `right` and you won`t get that full viola flavour.

Give it a try...and be prepared to put your violin back as a violin if it doesn`t sound `right` to you...

Another option that I suggest is to first rent a viola for a month (so the expense doesn`t get too high)...get a feel of how it plays and sounds...and then try switching your violin over...and you might find yourself making do with your converted violin more readily.

What I`ve found most noticeable in playing viola is the size of the`s much bigger and therefore harder to hold (and uncomfortable). You also have to stretch your fingers much more to reach the proper won`t experience this on your convertd violin at all. But if you rent the viola`ll at least appreciate this major difference...

The third item is the alto clef...that`s what I`m having the most problems with...I know where all the notes are...but I still can`t play to speed...or if I try I find myself playing the alto clef as if it were the treble, which of course, doesn`t help matters any.

Good luck! Let us know what you do!


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