Bowing. Aaaahhhh

Bowing. Aaaahhhh    08:40 on Thursday, May 29, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by qwertaker

Ok, so I just got a brand new cello today.
I tuned it, I prepared my bow (rosin etc.) and the tried to bow.
And it simply sounds terrible. It's incredibly weak, a very airy sound and I just don't know what am doing wrong. I started watching all these videos on how to hold bows and how to bow, but it doesn't help.

What could be the reason for this lush, weak, airy bowing sound?

Any ideas anyone?

P.S.: am having the same problem with my violin.

Thanks so much.

Re: Bowing. Aaaahhhh    04:57 on Saturday, May 31, 2008          


First question:

Do you have a teacher?

If the answer is no, the first thing you need to do (before even picking up that bow) is to find one.

Failing that, what sort of cello do you have? What sort of bow? How long have you been playing?

Also for new bows, you want to rosin them like crazy for the first time. Even if you think you have enough, keep rosining it up.

The terrible sound may be due to a poor quality instrument, or lack of experience - but you haven't told us much about your background.

Re: Bowing. Aaaahhhh    12:51 on Friday, June 20, 2008          

(9 points)
Posted by mon-petit-chou

theres nothing wrong with the instrument or bow, its just since you are new to playing you aren't used to how to create the right tone. its that way with all instruments. if you compare an elementary school band or orchestra with a professional one playing the same song with the same notes then theres a difference, but only in the tone quality.

Re: Bowing. Aaaahhhh    11:50 on Thursday, July 24, 2008          

(58 points)
Posted by cellomaster

it also may be that your bow is not taught enough did you tighten your bow? if not that can produce the airy sound. try tightening the bow but not too much. the bow should have little smile when yuo hold eye level and there should be no loose hairs. and like the others have said rosin your bow like crazy.


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