
..    09:53 on Thursday, February 26, 2004          
(master t)
Posted by Archived posts

and path!

Thaaanks! ^_^    10:52 on Thursday, February 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hab`s gerade bekommen... )

Plöder Smiley    10:54 on Thursday, February 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Argh... Das sollte ein "freundlicher" Smiley sein. Der da oben hat irgendwie mehr Ähnlichkeiten mit Adolf Hitler wie ich finde. Blöde Smileys. Versuchen wir`s so: ^_^

..    11:21 on Thursday, February 26, 2004          
(master t)
Posted by Archived posts

so bitteschoen, und jetzt geh ich gleich zu alfred brendel.

   14:03 on Friday, February 27, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Vielen Dank für die Noten.
Kannst du bitte, bitte noch die letzen Seiten von Faraway (Violine/Piano) und "The Unforgiven" schicken?

Apo-Noten    10:51 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, Master t, ich hätt auch gerne ein paar Apo-Noten.
Danke im voraus...

Apocalyptica Noten    15:57 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hallo Master T und alle anderen!

Habe gespannt alle Foreneinträge gelesen.

Finde es super, wie ihr euch gegenseitig geholfen habt.

Würdest du mir ebenfalls "alle verfügbaren" Notensätze zusenden per E-Mail; egal welches Format.
Habe Capella und andere Programme für Musikvorlagenbearbeitung.

Würde mich sehr freuen!

DANKE schon mal im vorraus und alles gute weiterhin!




Re: www.cellolyptica.de    13:38 on Friday, March 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Master T .....MY GOD!!!!! hi im a violinist and i would like to give the string orchestra im in the music for Nothing else matters and you have it could you please send it to me ?? I`ll invite you to the concert when we perform it! Thank you i would be so greatfull if you would sent it me. Thanks

apocalyptica noten    22:47 on Friday, March 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hallo Master T.. Ich mochte `Nothing else matters`, `path`,`faraway`, `the unforgiven` und `fade to black` ... asena_melek@hotmail.com... vielen dank... Jade - Australia

ApocalypticaNoten    10:02 on Monday, March 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hey master t, tät mich freun wenn du mir auch die noten schicken könntest. danke im voraus.

music sheet    16:54 on Thursday, March 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Master T,

I`d like to ask for the music sheets you have mentioned.
We made an appearance, four of us playing "hope" some years ago and it was pretty good! ( We made it as a surprise before a classical orchestra concert... it WAS surprise! )
So it will be nice to have some other sheets in pocket!
Would you first sent me in email that what have you got at all, and in what form?

Thanx a Lot

sheets    14:07 on Friday, March 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hi masther t,

I realy would like to have the scheets of nothing els matters so I can play it with my friends.

noten    07:36 on Monday, March 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hi master t
ich wäre dir sehr verbunden wenn du mir alle apocalyptica niten im capella format schicken könntest die du hast.das wär echt hammer geil weil ich auf ne chinareise mitm orchester fahre und wir da gerne was spielen würden!!
vielen dank!!

nothing else matters    22:35 on Monday, March 15, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Two days ago I downloaded the sheet music to Nothing Else Matters off of www.thom-at-s.de.vu, but I thought I would have access to it anytime, so I gave away my copies, and right now that site is down, and I kind of need the music before Friday is over, so if anyone could e-mail me the actual pdf or jpg or tif files for the four parts, I would be much obliged.

Re: www.cellolyptica.de    15:51 on Thursday, March 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hallo master t,
es ist jetzt schon 2004, aber gibt`s immer noch die Noten von "Nothing else matters"?


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