Special Cellist Forums

Special Cellist Forums    17:49 on Thursday, March 3, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Beforehand I apologize for any bad grammar or spelling. I checked it once, but that doesn`t mean ANYTHING.

I started a forum for cellists a few days ago, and maybe I should explain why first: A few cellists have suggested the idea of a way to `help` each other through the boards. This is not exactly possible here for a few reasons:
1) So many people visit it`s difficult to get through the sea of posts.
2) There is a sense of community here, yes. But you really don`t know anyone personally (that is, really much at all) because of that sea mentioned before.
3) This forum doesn`t host files. Most usually don`t, anyways, though.

So how do I plan on preventing a flood of people in this forum, you ask? Easy. Only people who will contribute often to the boards are invited. Those inviting people includes me and other members.
The reason I mentioned this is that I`ve seen many people on 8-notes, but I don`t necessarily know who I should invite or not.
The kind of people I (well, we, actually) want are those who will visit at least 2-3 times a week and will make a good contribution. This includes people who have just started playing cello to those who are polished professionals. How else would you be able to help anyone if everyone was the same as the other? The forum won`t be just for the helping people not as practiced as you, of course, probably not even the main thing it`ll be about. After all, it`s a community.
If you wish to be part of this small cellist "community", just post below with your email and why you think you should be admitted. If I agree, I`ll send you the link.
Thank you for reading through the entire proposal(we were so much younger at the beginning, weren`t we?). This is obviously not meant to replace 8-Notes. In fact, 8-notes still is the best forum I`ve seen for musicians. The new one will be for a very small community, that`s it.

Oh, and that last paragraph was written so that the 8-notes mods don`t go crazy. Hi moderators!

Re: Special Cellist Forums    16:39 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Those of us who were on the forum didn`t quite have the time for it. I guess that`s what happens when you`re not very inclusive, though! here`s the URL:


It`s dead now, and I made all the final posts, so it looks silly with my name going up and down the recent posts list, but whoever wants to go there: by all means, go ahead.


This forum: Older: About cellos brands
 Newer: Instant ielts,toefl,toeic.SAT(+27)838808170)

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