the new ROCK $#@!!

the new ROCK $#@!!    19:05 on Friday, July 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i go to Ozzfest every year, for probably the last 5 years or so. and i always like to try to find a couple songs from every band thats playing (especially the side stage bands) before i go so that i know which bands i want to see and which ones i can skip. i found an advance copy of Twisted Method`s new cd here at universal and have been listening to it non-stop. its like the only new cd i have that i can actually listen to the whole thing and not have to skip songs. and a lot of variety too. theres times when i can hear some slipknot influence, some pantera-like stuff, some korn nu-metally sound, some van halen moments, some godsmack voodoo stuff.

Re: the new ROCK $#@!!    01:05 on Wednesday, April 21, 2004          
(Derrick Monty)
Posted by Archived posts

If you are into stuff not quite as hard as the stuff at Ozzfest, check out Warped Tour. There are a lot of kick ass bands playing this year. Story of the Year will be there and they put on an awesome show so check them out


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