new generation guitarists (bad)

new generation guitarists (bad)    01:47 on Saturday, July 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

dont you guys think that most guitar players (new generation) have ruined the good name "guitar". every time someone asks me what i play, I say electric bass because i am so ashamed to call myself a guitarist. every time someone tells me that they play guitar, i assume wanna be musician who reads C,Am,etc and tabs. what do you guys think? also they Know jack(nothing) on music theory.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    01:33 on Monday, July 26, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Here here!

I hear you, brother. However, I think that reading chord symbols are very important to jazz (real music!), real guitarests should also be able to read trebble cleff (probably bass too). Though I am in that "new generation" of musicians, I feel that I`m one of the few exceptions. I play several other instruments and know a good deal of theory, most of which I learned on my own.

At the occasional jam session with my peers, I`ve been astonished by their incompotence to the majesty of the guitar. All they do are power chords with distortion and the occasional rifs that they only learned from a recording or a fellow "guitarest."

I share your disapointment.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    14:54 on Monday, August 9, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I think it goes with the territory of the guitar: easy to pick up; hard to master. Alot of people just wanna `mess around`, although I perhaps am guilty of that as well coz i`m only just starting to learn music theory and notation.

Plus, it doesn`t help that most guitar songs are bland, distorted pieces of junk nowadays.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    01:52 on Tuesday, August 10, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

you read my mind. rock bands today have absolutely no talent. they throw together a few chords, a crap vocalist and come out with bands like new found glory and greenday. the only decent rock group that has come out in this new generation of rock is the velvet revolver. and these guys are a combination of rock from decades ago. and the new generation guitarist who copy bands like new found glory aquire no skill cause new found glory has no skill. sadly i relize that bands today are why new guitarist suck.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    10:59 on Wednesday, August 11, 2004          
(Francisco Ramundo)
Posted by Archived posts

Here`s a thought, as we age we tend to think all music that is not of our generation sucks. Wait til you have children and try to explain Woodstock to them and have them laugh in your face. Then they grow up and start using your Beatles, Zep, Aerosmith, etc CD`s because it is different than today`s music. Today`s guitarist are no different than yesterdays. They all have something to bring to the table. Look at Clapton`s `I Shot the Sheriff` and his earlier Cream days and his newer stuff. Sheriff really sucked but we knew he was capable of the blues and heavier Cream stuff. Think God he didn`t listen to his fans and quit after Sheriff. That`s the same thing with all guitarist then and now. Some progress faster than others however it is their style like it or not.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    22:14 on Wednesday, August 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

what are you talking about, i`m sixteen and i listen to all the old rock from the seventies. now those guys had talent and loved the music they made.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    11:01 on Thursday, August 12, 2004          
(Francisco Ramundo)
Posted by Archived posts

Ric, That`s what makes R&R unique! It`s progressive! For a thought compare the likes of Zep with Metallica. They are both R&R just different forms. The same holds for blues where R&R came from. I struggle to listen to Robert Johnson and the earlier blues players however I`ll listen to Clapton in a heartbeat. Ironically Clapton plays the same blues as the Johnson and the likes but in a differesnt style. That`s what we have with todays guitarist. They are playing R&R but it`s in a different form. I heard people say Lenny Kravitz was a Jimi Hendrix. Only in race not the experimental style that Jimi conveyed. But the way you do realize Hendrix was not a purist. He used every gizmo/pedal that was available in his days. We liked it because it was different. Again todays guitarist are different.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    15:03 on Friday, August 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hmmm, i do genuinely think that modern rock and punk bands are less talented now than they were years ago. Just compare the likes of New Found Glory, Busted and others to the songs of the Beatles and the Stones etc - musically they have become less technical and less experimental. And this is reflected in the way aspiring musicians view the guitar and playing it.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    15:09 on Monday, August 23, 2004          
(M. A.)
Posted by Archived posts

i have to agree with you ric. most of the new stuff is really simple. a band thinks they can just throw a few chords together and they have a song. i like the old stuff too cause music was alot different then, but a whole lot better.

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    22:41 on Saturday, September 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

how about this assholes. Modern rock is awesome you dumbasses are just to stupid to realize it. Modern rock is completley different from music like the beatles so it`s unfair to compare between them. And, new found glory and green day kick ass

Re: new generation guitarists (bad)    20:40 on Friday, September 17, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i think the point that the others are trying to make is that there arent many new guitarists doing anything. The point is any body can play powerchords with distortion and not know what the hell they are doing. Back in the 60`s and 70`s you had to bring something NEW to music. That NEW is not the beggining of New Found Glory.


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