HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    12:00 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005          
(alex aka chopininoff)
Posted by Archived posts

i know its a silly question..but does anyone know any really ACCURATE methods for helping to increase finger length?..cuz i really want to reach at least an 11th..

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    22:44 on Thursday, December 22, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I don`t know how to GET long fingers, but if it`s to reach notes on the piano. Then all it is, is practice. Not to get good, although that does help, but to be able to get your fingers moving around. I had that problem before....

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    03:37 on Friday, December 23, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Their are no way to make your fingers longer except to gorw...
But, that shouldn`t matter..Find a peice that makes you have to move your hand a lot. Than pracitce repatition to hit the note..Say your playing a a C cord than have to jump to another C chord an octive higher just practice doing it in until it becomes second nature..

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    06:54 on Friday, December 23, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

lol, i play guitar and crack my fingers (i no its bad) but i got really long thingers now :P and im fast as

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    11:21 on Friday, December 23, 2005          
(alex aka chopininoff)
Posted by Archived posts

thnkx guys for the help..but i dont need help with leaps or jumps..i never had a problem with accuracy is not bad..i just wanna play for example..the beginning of the rach 2 piano concerto where the chords r thick..and i have to break or roll the damn chords..grrr it ticks me off..cuz i want a really thick and rich sound..not a broken or rolled sound

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    18:52 on Sunday, December 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hrmmm... well i dont think any exsercises will increase the length of your fingers... but, increasing your flexibility in your hand would deffinitly help you increase the amounts of notes you can hit.

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    11:45 on Monday, December 26, 2005          
(alex aka chopininoff)
Posted by Archived posts

yeah..i know..ur right about that..but just looks better sometimes if u had big hands when playing a u played a thick chord..and u had a big would look very relaxed with knuckles showing on top when the chord is played..but if u had small hands and played that thick chord...ur knuckles would collapse and the hand isnt relaxed because its stretching the shyt out of itself...

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    15:56 on Wednesday, December 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I think it not a problem to play Rach 2 whit small hands. Many pianists whit small hands play it. Me myself, I have very small hands, but still I gan play 10 -11 notes. When you keep playing music where you hands need to spread very wide, than you eventually will manige to play it. I also played 2nd and 3rd Rachmaninov concertos. They are wonderfull! 2 years ago my hands could play 9-10 notes and now 10-12 easy and hard 12. It was all because of my practise. I studied for example Schumann Toccata, Rimsky-Korsakov The Bumbelbee, and I didn`t stop practising till my fingers could play the wide accord. And finally afte 3 months practise I could play it. And than my teacher said i was readdy to play rach 2! I hope you have anything to my advise. Sorry for my bad English. I all depends on how you practise!

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    16:45 on Thursday, December 29, 2005          
(alex aka chopininoff)
Posted by Archived posts

oh okay..thanks for the u learned the whole rach 2 and the whole rach 3? how long have u been playing? and when did u learn the rach 2?

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    17:18 on Thursday, December 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I don`t think you can force your fingers to grow after reaching adulthood, and playing he piano probably wont make you get long fingers because my piano teacher has been playing piano for over 20 years or so, which isn`t that long I guess, but she has short stubby fingers and has a problem with even doing one octave... she says that it does limit her ability to play certain songs, but nonetheless, she can overcome most of the hard things with short finers.

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    22:10 on Thursday, December 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Long fingers are a genetic pre-disposition. Sorry.

However having big hands simply makes it easier to play with bad technique-and thus- leads to injury anyway. You will find your self very happy if you can only reach a ninth, and this leaves 99% of piano music very accessible.

Also, every teacher I have studied with (all very accomplished pianists, accompanists and teachers) have only had the ability to reach a 9th at most (some less).

Also consider all of the current pianists and world-class musicians that have smaller hands (Daniel Barenboim being one of them).

I`m happy, but I can only reach a tenth. Not because I have long fingers (infact their fat and stubby) but because I have fat palms.

Re    23:08 on Thursday, December 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Ah yes... I have fat palms as well

I would think, adding to Kevin, that if you did have spider like long fingers, then some music might be hard, like Prelude in C Minor by Bach, at one point my fingers were squished together, and it was quite hard. If you did have long fingers, it wouldn`t be hard to injure your hand trying to play fast.

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    15:24 on Friday, December 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi alexa!

I play the piano now for almost 9 years. I started to play when I was 6 years old. I am still very young! I played the 2nd Rachmaninov concerto in a competition last year. I won the 2nd prize! I studied the 2nd concerto for 5 months. I personally think that the 3rd concerto is more difficult to play! I studied the 3rd for 7 months.
Today I won the a very big prize. It is like an oscar award! You get nominated. I won the prize of best young pianist in Holland and Germany. Sorry, I am so pround, that I had to tell you!
If you need any advice in the 2nd concerto that just ask me!!
Happy New Year every one!!!

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    15:27 on Friday, December 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Riki!

I desagree whit you! My own teacher is a very little man whit very little hands. He is russian and 61 years old. His fingers are so litte! And still he can play a decime and whit trubbel an undecime!

Re: HOW DO U GET LONGER FINGERS?    15:33 on Friday, December 30, 2005          
(alex aka chopininoff)
Posted by Archived posts

piano student..congratulations on ur award..i am recently competing in many events and festivals that require a concerto piece...the only main question i have the 3rd movement that hard?..i understand it is harder than the first but I just want you, in ur own opinion, to compare difficulties in both movements of the concerto.. thank you.also..who is ur teacher?..Have you heard of Vladimir Krainev? write back


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