When i started playing

When i started playing    05:41 on Saturday, June 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve noticed that most people who play piano and string instruments usually start at about age 3.
Why is this?
My main instrument is clarinet, but I started playing the piano at age 11 and the violin at age 17 and played better than some of the people who have been playing for years. (I am 19 now)

Re: When i started playing    05:52 on Saturday, June 28, 2003          
(Kennedy T.)
Posted by Archived posts

Well, I`m 19 right now and had been playing for almost 2 years now and violin just a few weeks. I`ve taught myself. I think that it is because they`ve been taught at a young age so they`re bounded by what they had learned. As for us, I think that we`re more free to be creative and to experiment.

Re: When i started playing    11:45 on Monday, June 30, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Starting at three is not such a bad thing. I started piano at three, but switched on to cello at seven. I fell in love with it. So now I play both cello and piano.

Re: When i started playing    17:18 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Probably because some child psychologist told our parents that learning a musical instrument or talent would be enriching for our future lives and mind development. Whether that`s true or not, I don`t know. Though that wasn`t the case with me. I just copied my older sister when I was about four or five.

Re: When i started playing    22:06 on Sunday, August 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

at age 3 the kid is old enough to learn the instrument and can keep on learnin it throughoput there life. with most ppl once they start that young they stop. also ppl learn things a lot faster when they r young.
i started teachin myself the violin at 12 and the piano at 10, but im not as goos as ppk who have played all of their lives, so for sum ppl strating young might make a differance and for others it wont.

Re: When i started playing    03:00 on Monday, August 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I think it`s easier to learn something when you`re older. If you know one instrument (or more), then it might be easier to learn another. I`ve been playing the piano for 7 years and violin for not even a year, but I`m first chair, first violin in my orchestra.

Re: When i started playing    16:29 on Monday, August 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

poeple who started young and h`ve been trained their whole lives will most like luy be better b;/c of the fact th`t they`ve done it klonger and h`ve learnt more, i`ve played piano since 5 and has rather helped e in the long run. also it seems to me th`t the longer er earlier u start the more dedicated u will be to practice and continue, th`t is if u h`ve the right teachers of course, but i aslo do 4 other instruments th`t i w`s able to learn b/c of my knowledge of music from doin it fer so long

Re: When i started playing    10:40 on Tuesday, August 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

yes, starting early is good.. but ultimately is meaningless if you take into account your determination and willingness to achieve.. for example, Padewerski didnt start learning/playing piano (seriously) until he was 24.

Re: When i started playing    21:37 on Tuesday, August 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Well, "me"
Starting early may have helped your playing, but it hasn`t done anything for your spelling and punctuation. (Maybe that`s why I seem to be more literate than a lot of people on the Internet, because I started early (I was recognising letter at 18 months and reading fluently by about age 3)
NB: Please don`t take offense at this, I was only joking. However, bad spelling and punctuation on the Internet (or anywhere else) does annoy the hell out of me, especially when it`s done by people who are trying to give me advice.

Re: When i started playing    07:17 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi there, I am self taught on both the guitar and piano... I used to muck around on my mothers piano at the age of 4 and i never really started playing untill i started year 7 which was when i could choose music for my electives. I dont think that age has anything to do with how well you play an instrument it is the knowledge and your background that comes with it. If it wasn`t for my mother, or the school and my musical background i wouldn`t even know how to play the piano let alone the guitar. and i also wouldn`t have the scholarship that i have now. My teacher thinks that i am very talented and progressing well for someone who is self taught at the piano.

Re: When i started playing    14:00 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

welp, rachel, it`s a little thing called shorthand. when in school and takin notes th`t teachers tell extremerly fast, it`s best to h`ve a shorthand th`t works, u see i like to get good grades and scholarships, and u shouldn`t even make fun of people regardless. it`s called being RUDE

Re: When i started playing    14:17 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

and also english happens to be my best subject. ifu were to look at my scores from the first time i took the ACT test, i was only one point off from hittin perfect score, u might wanna think before u make fun of insult people. it`s n`t very becoming

Re: When i started playing    14:17 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You`re not taking notes here, you`re writing a message, and you want to sound literate. When you take notes, only you read it, but here, lots of people read it. I could write here like I`m taking notes, but people wouldn`t know what I`m talking about.

Re: When i started playing    15:05 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i think ya`ll ned to cayete la bocha. cause u h`ve no right to "attempt to educate" somone who`s already educated

Re: When i started playing    20:31 on Thursday, August 21, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

First of all, I was JOKING, and I apologise again for offending you.
However, it is really not that much trouble to write properly. You are replying to someones question, not taking notes at a lecture.
Also, can I just point out that "th`t" uses just as many characters as "that". It may take less effort to write, but it takes the same amount of time to type.


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