Easy Piece

Easy Piece    10:37 on Thursday, January 18, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by TheCase


I got a music assement coming up. I need to play a peice, but I can't find one that is in the key of C and has cords and fairly easy notes, there either in F# or have a bass line not cords. Any suggestions whould be great. I'm pretty much beginger.


Re: Easy Piece    20:21 on Saturday, January 20, 2007          

(56 points)
Posted by agent3x

Try www.easybyte.org.

Re: Easy Piece    20:02 on Wednesday, January 31, 2007          

(903 points)
Posted by Canadian

Do you have the RCM books?

They help a lot! Like 7 bucks each. Try the grade three book or two, there are really easy.


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