Touble reading and playing

Touble reading and playing    18:58 on Monday, April 27, 2009          

(4 points)
Posted by mouseajo

I can read the notes and play them; but I can't do it immediately. My mom can play both hands while she reads it for the first time! I have to do 1 hand at a time, and it usually takes me a month to do both hands together very slowly. What do I need to do to improve?

Re: Touble reading and playing    11:45 on Tuesday, April 28, 2009          

(208 points)
Posted by ShanaMaria

First of all don't get discouraged! Most people can not play right away. It takes ALOT of practice. Also, try not to compare yourself to other people and stay focused on you.
Are you taking lessons?

Re: Touble reading and playing    19:43 on Tuesday, April 28, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I can play both hands right away, but I have to do it VERY SLOWLY. My mom is an experienced piano player as well, and she can read pretty much anything that's put in front of her up to tempo. However, she has been playing and teaching for many, many years. It takes most people a long time to develop their skills enough to read everything at first sight. There are exceptions, but most people have to work very hard to get to the level that your mother (and my mother) is at.


Just keep going. You'll be great.

Re: Touble reading and playing    06:49 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(208 points)
Posted by ShanaMaria

Hey Dan! Is your mom the one that taught you piano?

Re: Touble reading and playing    12:58 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(80 points)
Posted by Edski

Reading is a skill, the more you work at it the better you get. I think I'm a better overall piano playr than my late sister was, but she by far blew me away sight reading. Well, most people blow me away with sight reading...I can only limp along because of my composing activities, which keep rhythmic notation and the notes fairly fresh in my mind.

But it's really a choice of mine. I'd rather spend time playing the piano and improvising, and eventually composing a piece, THEN start the process of writing it down. My sister was the opposite - she never cared about composing, but loved to play. Hence she work a lot harder than I ever did to sight read.

And as others have said, it's not a skill that just appears. It takes a lot of hard work to get to a high level. And I agree - it's not good to compare yourself to a superior player and get down on yourself. Try to use your mom's skill as a motivation to get better.

If I let all the piano players I've seen and heard that are better than me get me down I would have given up, oh, by the time I was 8 maybe.

Re: Touble reading and playing    13:11 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(1 point)
Posted by lauracollins-x

I have the same problem as you but and i don't have a teacher but I think I will just practise some more.

Re: Touble reading and playing    14:53 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(474 points)
Posted by ORB566

It does take practice. That is how your mother got there. With practice. When she was younger she was probably very similar to you in how she learned. You just have to be patient and wait, and never stop learning! Also, never compare yourself to someone who you know is better, because that is the same thing as putting yourself down, just not in a direct way.

Re: Touble reading and playing    16:46 on Thursday, April 30, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

To ShanaMaria: She taught me the basics, then decided that I'd do better with a different teacher. (I later quit formal lessons to concentrate on trombone) I still, however, ask my mother for advice on my piano playing from time to time.

Re: Touble reading and playing    19:57 on Thursday, April 30, 2009          

(474 points)
Posted by ORB566

That is nice to know that you still try to keep up with your piano lessons and playing, Piano is a hard thing to learn and takes time and practice, but you seem to be concentrated on keeping it real and current in your life.

Re: Touble reading and playing    02:17 on Wednesday, May 6, 2009          

(8 points)
Posted by jmj586

I would like to recommend a website(not my own)
that ccan help you in reading notes.
Ricci Adams'

Then go to the trainers and look for note training.
It will help you read notes better.

Re: Touble reading and playing    10:55 on Sunday, May 10, 2009          

(47 points)
Posted by rdec

What I did when I started was wrote out the note I needed for the peice on manuscript paper and, sang them, said the names,and played. Soon you will be able to pick up notes without thinking and won't need this excersise.

Re: Touble reading and playing    20:22 on Sunday, May 10, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Gosh, that would have been murder on me...but whatever floats your boat.


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