Anybody knows about the movable do way of playing????

Anybody knows about the movable do way of playing????    02:17 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(2 points)
Posted by G-ghie

Hi, I am a new member. I have no formal lesson about playing the piano but I can read notes and play the piano as well. But I learned from a friend that I am doing the "movable do" style and it's not the right way of playing. She showed me how she plays and it sounded better. I have read the piano lessons here and learned a lot about the right way of playing. Now, i can play using the lessons but really slow. I'm still adjusting from the old way to the new. I guess it will take a long time for me to play better.. I just want to know the difference with my old style because it also gives the right tones, only lower in pitch.

Re: Anybody knows about the movable do way of playing????    08:06 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(208 points)
Posted by ShanaMaria

I believe you are referring to a style of playing called "tonic sol-fa". I don't think this is considered the wrong way of playing, it isn't traditional, but it isn't wrong either. It is actually a taught method, and has its own sheet music. What style you play depends on what you are using it for. Someone who has to make a lot of transpositions - say singers with limited ranges, this may be very useful. There was an organist somewhere on 8notes that began playing traditionally, but switched to tonic sol-fa, and preferred it to traditional piano music...I'll see if I can look him up...

Re: Anybody knows about the movable do way of playing????    20:29 on Wednesday, April 29, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

There are two styles of Solfege. Moveable and non-moveable.
Different schools use either way.
When I started college the school I went to used fixed-solfege.
When I transfered the new college I went to used moveable do.

I don't think either is wrong, they are just different. How you use them may determine which one works best for you and which one you liked better.
If you like the new method your freind is teaching you but you are just slower at it, don't worry you will get quicker. It just takes doing it more and more to learn it.

Re: Anybody knows about the movable do way of playing????    03:27 on Tuesday, May 12, 2009          

(2 points)
Posted by G-ghie

Thanks a lot for your reply. It made me feel better and more confident to know that the first style i learned was not really wrong. Felt like i'm even lucky to be able to know both.


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