notes ? .

notes ? .    03:19 on Saturday, April 23, 2005          
(bea nie)
Posted by Archived posts

anyone can be a kindsoul to send me the notes of ANY song played by the show,"drumline" ? . =p .

would be greatly appreciated if yall can get one fer me . =p thanks .

Re: Drumline the Movie    11:47 on Tuesday, April 26, 2005          
(Kristina Hatcher)
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I love drumline. The movie really inspires people to achieve their dream in percussion.

And Oh the star nick cannon is really hot

Re: Drumline the Movie    11:52 on Tuesday, April 26, 2005          
(Kara Powell)
Posted by Archived posts

I love Drumline, it is the coolest movie I`ve ever seen. It inspires people to follow their dreams and never give up. Anybody who hasn`t seen Drumline is stupid. You should always follow your heart, and I think that`s what Drumline is trying to teach you. I also think that the star, Nick Cannon, is very sexy!!!

Drumline Sheet Music    21:14 on Friday, April 29, 2005          
(Brian Englund)
Posted by Archived posts

If anybody`s still looking for Drumline sheet music, then go to Create an account (if you have not) and then click `Showcase`. Here are two cadences from the movie (I`ll try to write a few others soon): 1. D&K 2. No Draws. All I did was get the soundtrack and write it by listening to it. It`s really not difficult at can write it if you`re willing to put some time into it, but there is no other sheet music unless you`re willing to pay $40.00 for just a cadence or two.

sheet music from the movie    23:34 on Friday, May 6, 2005          
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Can anybody send me some sheet music from drumline the movie

drumline sheet music    23:47 on Friday, May 6, 2005          
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will someone please send me the cadences of Drumline the movie PLEASE

lol    17:44 on Thursday, May 12, 2005          
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You are all band nerds hard core but so am i

Re: Drumline the Movie    03:17 on Sunday, May 15, 2005          
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if u could b so nicly enough 2 snd me wat u know bout da movie tabs it would really do me some good since i am the only girl on my drum line.

Re: Drumline the Movie    16:35 on Tuesday, May 24, 2005          
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You know when Atlanta A&T first went to Morris Brown and they played that song where they said JUMP ON IT? Well what is that song called?

?    02:08 on Monday, May 30, 2005          
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Guys jsut listen and practice, ok i can`t read music either, i can a bit like 16 notes triples ect, but not the high tech crap. im in the same vote as devin in the movie. i just listen, i wated the movie about 6 times and i can play all the backsticking basicaly all the snare parts and the solos i can play. i dunno but its prolly bad i can;t read music very well.

to everyone who is insulting the movie    21:46 on Wednesday, June 8, 2005          
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look everyone who knows any thing about drumming knows that the druming in the movie was not the hardest stuff out there. but not everyone on the planet is looking fo the hard crap. to any one who has not seen the movie. it was not that bad, it might be worth a rental. i have drummed since fifth grade. (i just recently graduated) i was one of the best at my school which doesn`t mean too much, but i do know how to read music. whitch seems to be a rare comodity among drummers these days. and the stuff on the movie was at about the same levels as most high schools across the nation. to every one else i suggest that you learn to read rather than play by ear. mostly because unless you are fan-freakin-tastic at playing by ear you will not make it on to a college drumline like he did in the movie.

Drumline vs. DCI    14:57 on Thursday, June 9, 2005          
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Forget Drumline music.........get Ditty!

cadence    17:55 on Friday, June 17, 2005          
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we play an awesome version of the last cadence they play in the movie drumline. We like taking bad music and making it good!

Re: Drumline the Movie    11:08 on Tuesday, June 28, 2005          
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Hey guys,
I was wondering if that computer software (the one that prints out the rhythms that you play on the drum) in the movie is a real software program, . . and if so, . does anyone know what the name of it is? Thanks G

   17:26 on Wednesday, June 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

The movie was bad to drummers because we like technique etc. The movie was made to make money. No one would of watched it if it wasnt hip hop (except drummers). Go corps.


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