My teacher is better than yours

My teacher is better than yours    20:37 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004          
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One of the bands in the movie was Bethune Cookman College from Daytona. The parts in the movie weren`t necessarily crap, but it`s a different style of playing. And for all of you who think that by throwing out names of who your teacher is will somehow make you better than you are dead wrong. Or wait, does it make you better to say that other people suck? I know plenty of players out at Bethune Cookman and Florida A&M that can smoke most people in DCI, either way talk is cheap.

best drumline in northern CA    20:54 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004          
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my drum squad can kick all yall`s ass`s so watch out at the comp`s.

drumline    20:48 on Thursday, January 22, 2004          
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your drumline cant beat mine what school do you go to

thx    20:51 on Thursday, January 22, 2004          
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thx dude post them as soon as you can

say it ain`t so    02:16 on Friday, January 23, 2004          
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guys, honestly. that movie was the biggest joke i have ever seen. i play in my university`s winter drumline (we`ve been 2nd in the world at wgi), my instructors have been top bass at cavies, blue knights, snare in blue knights, and a MAJOR part of DCI drumming is working with us this year, also. our staff is awesome, but that doesnt matter if you honeslty believe that drumline is a quality piece of film/literature/talent (well, i take that back the lines OTHER than the featured one rocked). a guy in our line played a joke on the rest of the line by getting the movie poster and putting up in our percussion section. A JOKE! the movie is crap, the only reason people like it is the visuals. anyone can do visuals, there were probably 5 notes in the whole movie faster than an eighth note diddle. good lord!

i can understand people wanteing the literature MAYBE to teach a middle school line, but come on, its not good stuff. No TRUE musician can condone this bad representation of ANY drumline. shame on you.

PS- my highschool line was composed of 5 girls and 5 boys when i graduated. our bassline was 4 girls and one boy. he played bottom, and sucked. i learned his parts for the show. my winterline now has 3 girls and 10 guys. i play bottom bass and i love it.

Drumline the Movie    08:51 on Friday, January 23, 2004          
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Listen the last part of the movie is not D&K it is called the senate because i wrote it and besides why do you guys want it if you all want it, it wont come cheap....

drumline music    22:47 on Sunday, January 25, 2004          
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Anybody who wrote out the music to the movie can u please email it to me? Thank You.

Drumline the movie    16:47 on Monday, January 26, 2004          
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I doubt very much that you wrote it.

drumline    22:36 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004          
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can anyone hook me up wit some of the drumline cadences. if so, send em to

email the music    20:05 on Friday, January 30, 2004          
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hey wa sup can someone plz email me the drumline batttle sheet music

Re: Drumline the Movie    20:30 on Friday, January 30, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts if any body gotsheet music from the battle or something

U DAMN PEOPLE    20:33 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004          
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OK ALL I HAVE 2 SAY iz that DRUMLINE`z rudimentz can seem kinda of corny compared 2 DCI lines but Who actually would pay to c any of that boring ISH? U can knock drumline all you want but A DCI movie would MAke Zero Dollars in tha box office it would make people have no intrest in it. i can truley appriciate DCI Line but I cannot a core style show 4 too long. but anyway Drumline waz meant 2 capture attention not get technical about music it`z a movie.

But on tha Lighter Side I Live in Atlanta and I know a few Morris Brown people mainly people in tha movie all i can tell u is that the names of MBC`s cadences they are Destruction and tha Second one was X-factor. The senate is a very old candence My old high school (Druid Hills) and many other Atl schools knew, this candence was made years b4 tha movies so it iz nuthing new as well as tha MBC cadences

what`z really good    20:36 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004          
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if anyone want 2 know more about tha movie and other things as far as black bandz these 2 sites are very helpful they have connections 2 people from tha movie

some info    20:41 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004          
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oops and also this iz another site of tha Secound annual HOND BOTB(Battle of the bands)In ATLANTA

Oh come on now...    09:17 on Saturday, February 7, 2004          
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Ya know... As a graduate of Lafayette High in Lexington (Co-Captain of the drumline in 85), and even went to Morehead as a Music Major (Percussion) during the Frank Odis days... I take offense by Jr. Wannabe claiming to have all the answers while still in 8th grade.

The movie was off the hook.. Plain and simple..

PS- Anybody who is from KY would know what I`m talking about...


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