BE COOL    18:44 on Sunday, February 8, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

All you guys need to be cool about drumline. You all know that if someone from the movie company that made drumline came up to you and said "do you want to be in one of the drumlines in the movie" you would have jumped on it quick then you would be saying the drumming was awesome and the movie was aweasome to. You guys just need to keep it real and not worry about how hard or easy the music was or whatever.

Drumline is a disgrace    13:13 on Wednesday, February 11, 2004          
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Hey Crazy1,
I guess you didnt read the article I posted twice! Pay attention!

that move sucked    00:38 on Friday, February 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

the move drumline sucked. none of them were actually playing that music. i dont know why any of u would actually want the music for it.

that movie sucked    00:39 on Friday, February 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

that movie was very stupid. none of those pretty boy actors were playing any of that music. i have no idea why any of u would actually want the music for it.

Drumline is a disgrace    13:21 on Friday, February 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Trilogy,
Exactly why does the movie suck? True the actors didn`t really play the music but when does an actor ever do his or her own stunts. Thats why they`re called.... ACTORS!!!! They act like they`re playing dumb ass. And if you think I suck then please, PLEASE bring it to me.

Re: Drumline the Movie    00:17 on Saturday, February 14, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

dude, guys, i agree. theyre actors. its their jobs. forreal, guys, let up. u wannabees out there are just makin it all up, and dont know squat about rudiments or diddles or anything. drumline was awesome for all us white people who have never seen showstyle anywhere. it was great, dont care what yall say

Clearing things up    00:57 on Saturday, February 14, 2004          
(Drum Corps age out)
Posted by Archived posts

first and foremost, everyone that replies to this message board should get one thing straight. learning how to play music from the movie drumline is not going to make you a good drummer. If you want to be good you should start out with the basics like simple 8 on a hand and simple double beat patterns. Secondly no one should ever compare what they do in the movie with what is done in Drum Corps. The people that perform in drum corps are world class musicians, and should not be compared to people that shake their booties. And lastly before I go off on a rampage, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase stop trying to say that the people in the movie could hang with ANYONE in drum corps, because believe me when I tell you its not even the same freakin ballpark. No check that its not even the same freakin sport.

Don`t knock it until you`ve tried it    01:18 on Saturday, February 14, 2004          
(Drum Corps age out)
Posted by Archived posts

See here`s the thing you people have to realize about drum corps. People that are in it dedicate a large part of their lives to be in it. Its not like they go to school and are also in marching band. They are in drum corps for an entire summer, every day, sometimes 12 hours a day for three months, rehearsing to become some of the best performers on the face of the earth. They don`t call it the DCI World Championchips for nothing. And to the person who said that dci is sh*t: Don`t knock it until you`ve at least auditioned for it, because I promise you that when you show up you`ll get your ass handed to you.

Re: Drumline the Movie    16:56 on Monday, February 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hello could anyone help me with this.... i have seen the moive drumline but i like the sound track of the movie... there is a song on that movie that has a funkie beat to it. something like bombombom. could anyone tell me the name of that us to be a funk grove... help me please

Re: Drumline the Movie    16:59 on Monday, February 16, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

could someone tell me the name of the song in the movie that has a funkie beat to it

hey brandon    09:01 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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hey brandon,
ur a tard.... the music in that movie was at a beginners level. i could teach a 3rd grader to play that stuff. if u really wanna play some good music go check out blue devils or RCC. do something constructive with ur life

hey drum    09:04 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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hey drum corps guy, i totally agree w/u. i am in a high school drumline rite now. i give out mad props to those who r in drum corps. it takes a lot of dedication and hard work. not just watching some stupid movie.

some info    16:54 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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well I think yall should stop trashin drumline. they are just actors. I know the music sounds ok but devon wasn`t even hitting the drum.
the movie was ok.

some info    17:02 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
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hi trilogy:[]

some info    21:42 on Tuesday, February 17, 2004          
(smart guy)
Posted by Archived posts

trilogy, you need to try harder!!!!


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