Any1 got tips on marching?

Any1 got tips on marching?    00:00 on Sunday, July 23, 2006          

(8 points)
Posted by Drummergurl205

I have been a drummer for about 5yrs now but I have never marched. This will be my first year on a real drumline and Im kinda nervous does any1 have tips for me? and mabey some good warm ups and stuff.


Re: Any1 got tips on marching?    00:04 on Sunday, July 23, 2006          

(44 points)
Posted by khs_drummer

what do you play like bass, snare, tenor, cymbals? work on your chops. get a metronome or go to one online and play 8's with it. or play your lines music with a metronome. make sure you take even steps when you march, and your upper body shouldn't be bent over or doin crazy stuff . keep your back straight when you crab step march forward or backward. thats all i can think of

Re: Any1 got tips on marching?    20:21 on Sunday, July 23, 2006          

(8 points)
Posted by Drummergurl205

I will keep that inmind tomarrow. My fist day of band camp at a newer bigger school and Im really nervous. but Im sure I will be fine. Im a pro! But Im stoked and willing to go through any kind of hell this guy is going to give me. Its worth it as long as Im on tha line!

Re: Any1 got tips on marching?    19:55 on Monday, July 24, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by holten

lissen to khs, he's right on.

and odviosly make sure you can mark time. if you cant do that nothing else maters

Re: Any1 got tips on marching?    20:49 on Wednesday, July 26, 2006          

(8 points)
Posted by Drummergurl205

thanks! and I found out today Im on3rd bass. YAY!!! Haha still excepting tips if any1 has thanks yall!

Re: Any1 got tips on marching?    00:11 on Thursday, July 27, 2006          

(14 points)
Posted by hillary007

just march

when i played bells
it just comes to ya!


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