how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?

how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    22:45 on Sunday, February 20, 2005          
(tenor playa)
Posted by Archived posts

im an 8th grader and i play in the high school marching band and i play the tenors of corse. i just wanted to know how many 8th graders play tenors like me in the marching band

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    09:29 on Friday, May 13, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I just made tenors on the high school drumline, I`m the only 8th grader that made it.
Tenors rock!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    14:33 on Monday, June 13, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i am a 8th grader who just made the tenor line. It`s really awesome, except for when my percussion director told me that my drums weigh 50lbs. But i try really hard because they are really awesome and fun to play. I am the only 8th grader and only girl on tenors, i am really proud. Well I am gonna have to work out a lot before marching band starts nut it`s all worth it. Peace out,

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    16:06 on Wednesday, June 29, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i made snare and im in 8th grade. I could of played tenors but i prefere snare.

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    19:13 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005          
(Steven Ryan)
Posted by Archived posts

Urs guyes marching band must really suck, im a freshman im on the but but im going on tenors my 10th grade year. My marching band is almost drumcore good, but ur brain`s are too small to know what that means. If your marching band needs freakin 8th grader on there drumline, then you must be really bad. Seriously, and i bet you dont even know how to play tenors most likely.

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    20:50 on Sunday, December 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Or, it`s possible that they`re talented eighth grade percussionists. That thought ever occur to you?

how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    10:16 on Friday, December 30, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey dont have to be so mean, but it is alittle weird but 8th and 9th grade is still considered jr high here so I guess where you are from 8th is high school or your just good enough to do that

I think that is awsome!

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    14:53 on Monday, April 3, 2006          

(464 points)
Posted by Snorkel

Hm Steven Ryan has the exact thinking of a stuck up freshman who doesn't know their place. He sounds all high and mighty but I bet he could make better music by falling over into his drumline (creating a domino effect) than actually playing his instrument. It's typical for freshman to be that way because they're in highschool and are all of a sudden way better than everyone else. In my school, you would have gotten torn apart multiple times.

Anywho, I think it's great that you all made the tenors in you drumlines. I'm guessing you either go to smaller schools or just naturally have a smaller band because our school has to do the same thing with 8th graders and we're really small. With conditioning for carrying tenors, jsut remember that your calves bear the most weight in your legs and do the most with marching, and your shoulders and lower back will kill you from the pressure of the weight of the spread out drums. But most of all I can just say to practice alot and work really hard. The worst thing ever is to get to play tenors one year then get them taken away from you by some snoody competitive person.

I've played tenors in my school for 2 years and they both have been a huge blast. Tenors get to have the most fun. Good luck and don't listen to Steven, he's the kind of people that think they know what they're talking about but don't really have a clue.

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    13:16 on Tuesday, August 8, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by Victor_Kumar

Wow Snorkel u r the biggest dork ever,
u wrote a !***** essay, all about !***! that nobody even reads, this Steven Ryan is so right, what school lets 8th graders be a tenor player? Im a junior and im on snare it took me 2 year to prove myself and these 8th graders get it just because? O wow it's called tallent which these 8th graders do not have.
Snorkel is a !***** DICK
Steven is RIGHT

Re: how many 8th grade kids play tenors in the high school marching band?    16:38 on Tuesday, August 8, 2006          

(44 points)
Posted by khs_drummer

yeah i bet you suck at playin tenors to. JKJK i get snare next year im excited


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