Larynx woes

Larynx woes    17:21 on Thursday, April 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I am jut beginging to learn how to sing. I have herad from everyone that you should get a voice teacher, but I have not searched for one yet since i justed started seriously looking into this a month ago.
I went out and bought Singing for Dummies, and that has been a good resouce, but there are some things that i am having a lot of trouble on.
One is that my larynx goes higher in my throat as I try to hit higher notes. Is there a way to keep this from happening?
Another is breathing deeply, and pushing the sound with the breath at the same time.
I would really appreciate any sugestions.

Re: Larynx woes    20:34 on Monday, April 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Training the larynx ultimately just takes time. There are some exercises that will help with this, but as you do not have a voice teacher to monitor your use of those exercises (and they can be quite damaging if overused or used improperly!) I am hesitant to give you any. If you come to the Virtual Conservatory and record yourself there, I may be able to help you further (it`s free).

Director & Administrator
The Virtual Conservatory of Singing<--Free Voice Training

Re: Larynx woes    22:10 on Friday, June 3, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I was in exactly the same circumstances ten years ago: just getting started singing seriously. The best advice I can offer is to find a reputable voice teacher. I found mine by calling a few local colleges and universities, whose faculty members often offer private lessons on the side at a reasonable cost. You can try to learn on your own, but you will miss out on the benefit of a teacher who can hear your mistakes and help you correct them, and someone who can objectively judge your ability and tell you whether your goals are achieveable. Mine were, and I have realized every one of them thanks to a very knowledgeable, experienced teacher. Good luck with your singing.

a record contract offer    09:19 on Monday, June 6, 2005          
(visual records ltd)
Posted by Archived posts

visual records is a new company that needs serious artist that want to succeed in there singing abilities if you would like a try please post a reply or email me


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