Having some trouble making higher notes clean...

Having some trouble making higher notes clean...    13:49 on Wednesday, August 16, 2006          

(13 points)
Posted by Dragonsfire867

I've been having some difficulties lately regarding my higher notes. My 'head' voice becomes...wispy, raspy/husky, and not bell-like in its sound quality. My lower notes (from A above middle C to a B two octaves below middle C) sound very clear and don't have that hair-sound. Can anyone help improve my situation?

Re: Having some trouble making higher notes clean...    13:15 on Sunday, September 24, 2006          

(54 points)
Posted by pianoplayer_02

well i'm no great singer, but my vocal teacher told me that if my voice was getting husky whatever that i wasn't breathing right. and to help reach high notes to open your mouth bigger. I hope i was a help. goodluck!


Re: Having some trouble making higher notes clean...    12:15 on Monday, September 25, 2006          

(14 points)
Posted by AMB

It's hard to say without actually hearing you sing, but my guess would be that you're doing what most singers do - tightening your larynx as you go higher.

Most of us think that singing higher is harder and that we have to really strain to get the notes out - but that's not true! Singing higher is not harder - it's just different.

Try these tips for starters:

**RELAX and don't tense up as you go higher

**As you sing higher, think lower - this helps you not strain

**Drop your chin - this helps place your air correctly

**Use plenty of air and focus the air at your nose

Re: Having some trouble making higher notes clean...    11:50 on Thursday, October 5, 2006          

(103 points)
Posted by Piano_Princess

I have some suggestions for you!!

Firstly, do you warm up enough before you sing? Practise singing high notes often and use lots of different scales arpeggios and breathing exercises.

When you warm up, use sounds like 'mia' and 'ya', and make sure that you smile and drop your jaw - this will make sure both resonators are working.

Then, when you're singing and come to a high note,don't think 'oh no this is high' or anything like that...I know it might seem hard, but try to think lower as you sing higher (and higher when you sing lower). This might seem a little strange, but honestly it really does help. It makes your voice sound fuller and not as squeaky!!!!

Hope that was of any help - good luck with reaching those higher notes!!!

Love Laura


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