Scream is fading

Scream is fading    17:08 on Wednesday, April 30, 2008          

(2 points)
Posted by Neidermyersmind

I used to have a very raw and powerful scream. Over the past few days it's been a lot weaker. You can even hear some wheezing sounds in the base of it. Will I be able to get the same power back eventually?

Re: Scream is fading    05:13 on Friday, May 2, 2008          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

I suggest you visit the specialist in otolaryngology, you may be harming your larynx. And it could become permanent...

Screaming is rather hard on it. Why you do it? Is it part of a show or just for fun?

Re: Scream is fading    21:49 on Friday, May 2, 2008          

(426 points)
Posted by MusicRawks

Like, are you scream-o?!
(i like scream0, so that would be cool. if not, your still cool)

Re: Scream is fading    23:18 on Monday, May 26, 2008          

(2 points)
Posted by Neidermyersmind

It's back now, just had to rest for a few days I guess. I do different screams, I don't really do screamo. I guess you could compare them most to the Screams off of the Deftones album "Adrenaline."


Oh and it's just for fun. Maybe I hope to be in a band someday.


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