answer to pure metal

answer to pure metal    14:15 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003          
(Machine Gun Louie)
Posted by Archived posts

To tell you the truth,pure metal,at my opinion, mudvayne are wannabes. They might have listen to Meshuggah( sure they did) and found the hot times they used(7|8,9|8 and stuff like that) pretty twisted so they add extra times to their commercial riffs and they call their style "math metal". The bassist and drummer are cool, i mean they really fit together. But the singer is a poser who try to say f*ck as often as he can and he gives himself a style. The guitarist is worst(if you dont know it already we call this kind of dicks "floggers"): i saw a live videotape and he was trying to look like he got a mental disorder, he was litterally drueling on himself. Anyway sorry if i offensed you, this is what i think of them, now what`s your idea?

stuff    15:07 on Thursday, October 16, 2003          
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w00t! Partially back...
Anyway... *Coughs importantly* Ahem.
I`ll look up Godspeed you Black Emperor as soon as I am able to do so... Perhaps even tomorrow.
Linkin Park?
I`ve given them a lot of thought... At first I, like most people who respect good rock, thought they were absolute rubbish. Absolute zero, null, nothing, bs... But recently I`ve been forced to listen to them on the radio (I have to listen to it every morning when I go to school), and I came to the conclusion that they`re not so bad. The vocals aren`t half terrible (quite decent at times, too), I like their guitar riffs and their songs don`t make me want to scream. To tell you the truth, the only fault I found (although it is rather significant) was that their songs are repetative and they rarely change their style... I don`t think that the rap is too good, either, but that`s it.
Come on, rock veterans, I dare you. Kill me. Poison me. Whatever. I don`t care. I don`t think Linkin Park suck. And yes, I still think I have good taste.
Hehe, at another board (GW - Gamewinners. The best forum board of them all) I saw the following quote: "Evanescence. What a sad word."
I completely agree with whoever said that...
Rather sad singing, boring and monotonous music, one-dimensional album. Yurgh. A very bad female version of Linkin Park.
Oh, and I said I`d comment on the bands I discovered the other day...
Godsmack - a soft version of Slipknot, IMO. Gave me a headache... Don`t get me wrong, I adore heavy music, but only when it has decent vocals and instrument skills. In Godsmack I found neither...
A Perfect Circle - I was very, very disappointed... Extremely boring and one-dimensional. I couldn`t tell most of the songs from each other...
Although, hang on, I did like one song: "Blue".
Vocals were lower than average, very monotonous, little riffs. As I said before, very disappointing, since it was "suggested" by a person whom I trust when concerning music.
Dreamtheater - not bad, actually. Decent vocals, not bad guitar, very interesting instrumental parts (1812 Overture was quite effective). I reccommend it.
Tomorrow I`ll be checking out The Mars Volta, Soundgarden and Tenacious D... Actually, I got the CDs ages ago, but somehow I never got round listening to them until now.
And if someone wants a break from hard music, I suggest Clinic - a delghtful piece of work Very fun music, some nice guitar in places, and, well, fun. Best word to describe it.
Oh well, cheerio, got to go...
Also... If anyone feels like discussing music when they feel like it... My MSN is

answer to Olga    12:35 on Friday, October 17, 2003          
(Machine Gun Louie)
Posted by Archived posts

Olga:Because there is probably no rock veteran here, I`d like to say i`m one but i`m not, i`ll take the responsability of daring you, poisonning you and, well maybe not kill you cause anyway you seem to have good taste so i`ll give you a chance...though to my ears Linking Park only follow the wave of neo-rapcore in trying to stay enough easy-listening
to catch some fans. I just cant stand bands who dezign their music to be on Much More Music. But you have all the right to like and i`m not really gonna poison you.
Pretty cool that you talk about The Mars Volta. I didnt got time to listen carefully to them but i heard a couple of tunes. One of my friend, wich i respect for his effort he gives to understand the music he listen to, think this will be the band who`ll change general mentality. Personnally i dont believe that one band can move the whole thing and affect everyone`s mind. First they would have to be enough commercial to reach the mass and enough easy to understand so that everyone give the same interpretation of the lyrics and enough intensive to positively change something. So i dont think that a band alone can do that, BUT if that guy, my buddy, told me so that means that this band kicks ass. So if you heard the band, please give me your opinion, i want to verify if this band can reach at least two person. By the way thanks for showing off your opinions, you`re probably the only one to do so.

hey    15:37 on Friday, October 17, 2003          
(pure metal)
Posted by Archived posts

no im not offended i seen a music video the other day and ur right the basset and the drummer are kool but the singer i thought he was rather high or mentally messed up there concerts r cheap any way my friend he only paid 20 bucks 2 see them then again he could have got bad seats wait wat am i thinking they dont have seats.Olga so linkin park dont suck thats a first ill try there cd my lil bro has it Meteora i think its called and i do agree w?u bout Evenesance lame name and she is kinda a female version of linkin park but then u would know if linkin park is better wich they probably more than likly r. and im sorry it took sooo long 2 reply my dads getting on my case i cant wait 4 him 2 leave then i wont get lectured .

stuff    13:41 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
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Louie - heheh, thanks... For some odd reason I thought I`d get a terribly large amount of people wailing at me... I guess it`s what would`ve happened if I`d said this at another, more active and pro-rock board I`d certainly not live to see the dawn of the next day, but this place is pretty much safe as in terms of activity it`s rather weak.
Anyway, back to band work...
The Mars Volta - I was... Surprised. It took me a while to get my senses back because it was so unusual... But here are my thoughts:
a) Fantastic vocals. Almost Matt Bellamy quality, but not quite... Although I guess you can`t judge them, really. They do seem to have this tendency to sing in a siren-like way... In any case, the lead`s voice is very, very good.
b) Good guitar. Some pretty nice riffs that don`t give you a headache, either...
c) Their songs weren`t repetetive. That`s one of the things I liked most... Every piece is singular and individual, so you don`t get this feeling of one big ball of sound that envelops you...
Overall, good stuff. I highly reccommend them.
[o]Opeth - When I listened to the first 2 songs I was, well, horrified. I thought it was just another version of Slipknot, who I pretty much detest, but after listening to song no.3 I was pretty pleased... Good vocals, good guitar.
Not perfect, but still good.

I discovered ska music, too! And swing...
Yeah, I know, it`s incredibly different from the other things I`ve described so far, but I loved it. I got CDs by The Busters, The Royal Venue and Combustible Edison (some might now this one from Tarantino soundtracks), and it turned out that they`re incredibly good mood lighteners... Just the sort of thing needed when you need cheering up.

Oh, and pure metal... I really can`t say what you should of Linkin Park`s. I have neither one of their albums, so if Meteora turns out bad it`s not my fault, as I don`t know which songs are on it :p
Anyway, I gotsa go... *Listens to Weezer*

hey    15:16 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
(pure metal)
Posted by Archived posts

it wouldnt of mattered anyway my brother has it some of its ok even if i didnt like it i wouldnt dog ya got to go my dad is yellin at me

tut tut    17:09 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
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pure metal said: cuz i dont want 2 b listening 2 no bands no one else likes

If that is the mentality you have, rock music is probably not for you. Music is personal, something one person likes, another is gonna hate, to say you wouldn`t want to listen to listen to a band noone else likes is rather pathetic. If noone liked any of the music I listened to, I really wouldn`t care. Hell, I like to British Sea Power, on the rare occasion that someone has actually heard of them, they do not like them. I am still to meet a British Sea Power fan outside a BSP gig.

p.s. I totally aggre with Olga about Deloused In the Comatorium fantastic album...the best since Ok Computer IMO. I`ve also got tickets to for their gig next month!! wey hey!!

answer to olga    18:49 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
(Machine Gun Louie)
Posted by Archived posts

Olga: Oh, oh! So Misses Miss is new to The World of Ska Music? I`ve got some good stuff cooked for ya. If you like the mix of ska and jazz(wich is my favorite branch of ska and to be honest the only one i really listen to) well you HAVE to ear Skavoovie and the Epitones. I think they`re from New York and on the Moonska Record label. They`re like 13 in the band and everybody`s composing his own tunes. Mostly instrumental but there`s a singer with swing oriented voice, really gangster mood. The blowers, especially the trumpetist, are just kick-ass. Plus, you dont those systematic on-the-up-beat guitar riffs that get me mad in the bad sense in ska. They made a version of a Duke Ellington, i dont remember wich one, it`s an unknown one, and it swings like hell.
Number two on the top two: Mephiskapheles
They call their style satanic ska, but dont get nervous they can be really smooth sometimes. They are also jazzy bad boys and they also have good solists. There is more vocals then in Skavoovie and the singer`s doesnt sound as good, but he have his own voice, a little bit f ucked. 2 really-not-so-bad guitarists enough subtile not to get your nerves rush. Humoristic or ironic lyrics about god and satan(ex:if you meet with the devil at your table, You`d be sure to be very surprised). Their best album is God Bless Satan.
Number 3 on the top 2:The Slackers
I put them in third position only because they`re not totally ska. Sometimes reggae, sometimes latin oriented, with a spice of jazz and a touch of surf. Vic Riggiero, the singer who have fantastic solo albums, has a mad voice in the good sense of the word mad. A litlle bit jazzy tone that can be really male and mellow at the same time. The composition are are god-like, impressive lyrics.
That`s about it, i think you`re able to find those on the web, cause you`re from Russia, right, they might not have it there. Or maybe i`m wrong we always think that russia is to far to be hip. Russia is to me what Canada is to Americans; they think we ride dog-sleys to go to school and we wonder if you guys have electricity...kiddin

hey    15:56 on Monday, October 20, 2003          
(pure metal)
Posted by Archived posts

no i was just really tired when i wrote that i was high (not really) sorry

stuff    09:59 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003          
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Simon - Oh, I don`t know... I always love it when I meet someone who likes Muse Radiohead (my two favourite bands... Matt Bellamy, will you marry me?) and although the latter sort of people I meet pretty often it usually just happens to be that they`re not really fond of their music... It`s just, ah, a part of their image, if you see what I mean. They want to seem cool and therefore name bands that are known to be good and not pure junk, but in fact all they know about RH is that they have a song called "Creep" (or you can insert any other song that has recently appeared in your charts; I wouldn`t know, sorry), and that`s it. Image.
Heh, I know because I was exactly like that before... I was practically scared of alternative kinds of music, and it was only after I discovered Muse that I began to search for things that aren`t listened to by the majority of those who surround me.
As for The Mars Volta... Heh, I wouldn`t go as far as saying that it`s the best since "OK Computer" (hey, I told you, my favourite band is Muse, therefore it is their albums that I worship and adore), but it`s certainly a product that stands out: good quality and originality.
It might well be I simply haven`t listened to them enough (there are some things you can`t make out until you spend a lot of time on them), so I`ll return to the subject after I take my History and Physics exams, both the equivalents of A-levels (THEY`RE GOING TO TAKE PLACE NEXT F-ING WEEK! I`m freakin scared...) and I`ll have a little more time to devote to things I enjoy.

Louie - I`ll try to find the bands you mentioned when I can... Which will be in 2 weeks or so, I`m afraid, for the abovementioned reason. In any case, if they`re not completely unknown then the chances are that I`ll find them Where I live (which is, yes, you guessed right, Moscow, Russia) there is a huge burnt CD market... Thousands n` thousands of CDs, all ready to bought/tried out. Thanks for the advice
As for that comment about what we have/don`t have in Russia... Heh, no worries. Most of the people I have talked to that are American/English/from any other European country usually get this picture of some God-forgotten place, with snow-covered plains, white bears dancing on the Red Square, big burly men in fur coats and huge hats and, of course, caviar and vodka for every course.
Oh, and no electricity, machinery and etc...

By the way, guys - I have a reccommendation.
I`ve been listening to Weezer ("Maladroit" is the album) a lot lately, and I loved them...
Not bad vocals, and a sort of optimistic-sounding kind of rock.
Thassit, I have got to go now, cheerio...

Who loves rock,punk and grundge? I Do!!    16:25 on Wednesday, October 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Dont forget the original rock bands like Black Sabbath and Whitesnake.
Also RAmmstein and Iron Maiden Rock

Great site 4 guitar tag= take a look

answer to Olga    13:33 on Saturday, October 25, 2003          
(Machine Gun Louie)
Posted by Archived posts

Olga: Well, thanks for the advice about Weezer, i havent been listening to them since a while. But to be honest i think i`m too deep in jazz at the moment to get a Weezer mood. Not that i wont enjoy it, they`re great, but i just never get like "Oh my gid, i Have to listen to Weezer". It`s just a question of mood. By the way, telling you about those ska bands reminded me how much ska is a breakfast music. You have to try The Slackers with scramble eggs and The New York Ska Jazz Ensemble ( other good band) with pancakes.
I know what you mean when you speak about the image that some people try to give themselves in listening to this or that band. And, yes, Radiohead is a very good exemple. The thing with radiohead is that you can not say that it`s pop as you can say that it`s underground. So it`s like the best fit for the look-at-me-i-listen-weird-music people. In Quebec, where i live, a lot of the people who listen to Radiohead dont even understand the lyrics(most of my friends speak french). I dont think that you necessarily have to understand all the lyrics to enjoy a band; honestly i dont always make the effort to understand the lyrics of an english band(i`m not totally bilingual). But RH lyrics are particularly hard to understand deeply and they are maybe the most misunderstood popular band these days. So it`s normal that a lot of people want to be associate with a misundertood artist, it`s giving them a myterious look. It,s realy sad cause i know musicians who don`t listen to RH because they don`t want to have this phoney image. So they also consider their image a lot when choising what band the will listen to. I think we have to get rid of this when we listen to music and than we enjoy. And geese it`s good! Seriously, we already agreed on that but the last album is too good. I got it recently, though i listened to it a lot this summer, and i realized how much they achieve their career. Being popular and expressing a state of mind of not antonyms with them. Most people say their message is a dark one, fatalist and nihilist. But to me it`s the opposite; there`s a hope in this album. I`ve been thinking about the first sentence of 2+2=5: "Are you such a dreamer to put the world to right?"
In my opinion, this sentence have to be taken in an ironic sense, to fight the fatalist popular way of thinking, the we-can-not-change-a-thing-let`s-not-give-truck mentality. And than the lyrics paint the easiness of staying in ignorance("I`ll stay home forever where two and two always makes up five"). Maybe i aint got the good interpretation, what d`you think? P.S.:RH is a kick-ass conversation subject.

stuff    12:28 on Wednesday, October 29, 2003          
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Sorry it took me a while, my school is killing me... I`ve already started taking exams (our equivalents of A-levels), and although Physics is behind now there`s still bloody History...
I HATE HISTORY. Bloody Cuban crisis... Bloody Germany, France, England, decolonization and other things of the like... Bloody Cold War...
I`m scared, I really am. The exam will take place on Friday (National and International History), so wish me luck...
I`ve never been particularly deep when trying to understand lyrics, I`m afraid, apart from one or two times... It all depends on the band I`m listening to. Muse and Radiohead are special, so I always pay attention to their songs
I have read (more than once, too) that Thom Torke doesn`t really mean much when thinking up the words. Look at "Subterranean Homesick Alien". He was singing about alien abduction... Eeep?
And "Paranoid Android" was, originally, 3 songs rolled into one, John Lennon-style.
But you have a point about "2+2=5", though... I agree...
For some reason "There There" was interesting, too... "Just `cause you feel it, doesn`t mean it`s there". Don`t ask me WHY I remembered that particular bit, I just did.
I`m in a hurry, so buh-bye... I`ll write more after my exam finishes...

answer to Olga    13:31 on Friday, October 31, 2003          
(Machine Gun Louie)
Posted by Archived posts

I`m in a school mood these days me too. I`m taking Jazz Arrangement at College. kick-ass class: every two weeks we arrange a jazz or latin or almost any style tune and then real jazzmen, I mean damn professionnal dudes, come play our arrangement. It`s a lot of job, writing manually all the parts and the score, but it is the coolest class I ever done. Anyway, it was to tell you that i can have compassion with your hard time at school.
Back to RH
Yeah, it`s pretty weird i got the same phrase stuck in my head for weeks "Just cause you feel it, it doesnt mean it`s there". The first time i listen to the cd, while driving so i wasnt paying too much attention, this is the first sentence that hook me up. I agree with you that Yorke habitually doesnt care too much about the meaning of his lyrics. But, at my opinion, he pays more attention to his lyrics now. I mean, after Hail to the Thief, he can not say that he really dont care about his lyrics cause you can feel there`s a meaning behind one and every sentence, though i dont dig it all. I`m always sceptical when an artist says that, Bob Dylan told the same thing to a journalist. Something like:"I dont want to spread an idea, i just want people to have fun with my music, so i dont want them to understand my lyrics". And Yorke, Dylan had strong and deep lyrics. So, i dont know, i cant believe that Thom doesnt mean a thing when he sings "Just cause you feel it..."
We were speaking about ska music the other day. A buddy at my job has a radio show and he made a special hour exclusively on Russian ska. I didnt hear the bands but he told me about one called Leningrad and another one called Spitfire. There might hundreds of other Russian ska bands with the word ska within their name, it`s a cliché. If you have time, listen to them and let me know how good you found it.
For myself i dont really have new suggestions to share. I`m in a jazzy mood since a while, so...
Got to jet. Louie

   12:18 on Sunday, November 2, 2003          
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The lyrics in 2+2=5 are an attack on George Bush, most of the album is. Even the title refers to Bush`s election win.


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