Re: mcfly theme

Re: mcfly theme    14:51 on Friday, January 21, 2005          
(Balika and Anna)
Posted by Archived posts

I, balika, think that Mcfly are the worst band ever to bring out a song with the exception of Busted. they should be band from writing songs and SHUT UP!!Howver my friend Anna who is sat next to me (right this moment) has a completely different view and believes they are brilliant. What a sucker she is deaf!!!!

Oki..    17:15 on Sunday, January 23, 2005          
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The word is "banned" not "band" Anyway! Busted arn`t a band anymore. They split up *woo newsflash* McFly may not be the best band in the world but they have talent and you can`t deny them that. They play their own instruments.. write their own songs.. play live and are pretty f*ckin sexy.. What more do you want!?

Look, I know what I`m talking about...    10:28 on Thursday, February 3, 2005          
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There seems to be alot of arguing about whether McFly play their own instruments or not. I was working on tour with them and you cant possibly tell if they`re playin their own instruments from the front row!! Most of the time the imstruments and mics are live but when there`s a difficult bit they dont always get right it cuts to a recorded version so that the fans get to hear the song played well. The guitar tech plays some parts of the songs too from backstage, whenever there`s too many guitar parts for the band to do. Basically without watching the monitor sound engineer you can never tell wo`s playing live and who isn`t. Anyway manufactured pop needs to be outlawed and people need to be taught its the music and the emotion thats important, not the image. If u want to hear something worthwhile listen to PINK FLOYD; Crosby,Steels&Nash; ben Harper; Bob Dylan; Led Zep, anyone who`s in it for the music, not the fame!!!!!!!

Mcfly fan    13:44 on Friday, February 11, 2005          
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Can i just say, I really like mcfly. I practically live in my guns n roses hoody and my bedroom is covered in posters of rock bands, but i still don`t mind mcfly. I`ve read interviews by them and they have never claimed to be rock, or anything apart from pop, they`re music is fun and light hearted, just becuase not many bands play guitars and sing pop music it doesn`t mean it`s bad.
I`ve seen them in party in the park, and my cousin was backstage. He hates them more than anyone else on this palnet, but said they were awesome guitarists. They were definitely playing, and whether people will disagree with me or not, i know they were. People who say mcfly are crap, are immature. I think R&B music is absolutely awful, but i don`t think it`s bad music, or should not be played, it`s just not my taste, and people who aren`t mcfly fans should waste less of their life slagging them down, and listen to music they do like!

Re: mcfly theme    15:33 on Monday, February 14, 2005          
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mc fly can not play guitar

Re: mcfly theme    12:07 on Wednesday, February 23, 2005          
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OMFG! are you insane? McFLY are NOT sound like them...theres only 1 good thing about them...dannys hot...but other then that they suck....

heh..    13:35 on Wednesday, February 23, 2005          
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O_O riiiiight.
Wasn`t that interesting ... ~_~

Promotion for my friends website!.x x    14:21 on Tuesday, March 1, 2005          
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Hey guys!

Not come on here to start an argument, just my friend wanted me to promote his site.

Basically, my friend doesn`t like mcfly, lol and he has started up this website don`t be fooled by the name, although they dont like mcfly they are more interseted in life changing issues.

There is a forum on there, and there is only one mcfly lover on there now called Saray (she`s lovely) and the guys just wanted more mcfly fans to voice their opinions on mcfly and other issues that affect our everyday lives.

There are also animations and other cool stuff too!

Please join up and express your opinions the guys want some friendly argumentation!

Peace out, Becci.x

new music    16:19 on Tuesday, March 1, 2005          
(the clone)
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ive been looking for new bands as i think wats about now is stale and old. i found an ace band called "censored rage" any1 here ever heard of them. i think there cool but no1 else has ever heard of em, so im gonna tell you about em. there like progressive rock and u can get two of their tracks off their site plus they make videos of themselves doing stunts and stuff. take a look write stuff in the forum and maybe they will release an album where i live in the shops!!!!!!!!

McFly Piano music    18:16 on Saturday, March 12, 2005          
(anna banana)
Posted by Archived posts

Does anybody have all the songs from mcflys album on Piano sheet music. If you do can you please send it to me at thank you sooooo much.
Dougie,Danny, and Harry r soo HOT!!!!

McFly    17:52 on Saturday, March 19, 2005          
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Frankly, whether McFly play live or not doesn`t bother me. As long as a band plays or sings in the studio, if they have too energetic a show, miming doesn`t annoy me. It annoys me when bands go onto Tot Of The Pops and mime to a ballad that they know fine well they could sing, but when they can`t do both at the same time, I couldn`t care less. I prefer people to be singing and playing live, but really, could you play guitar, sing, jump around, play drums, talk to the audience in between songs and more under all those lights and in front of thousands? I know it can be done, but if McFly wish to mime that is their choice, not ours. And also, have McFly ever once said they are a rock band or a punk band? No, they`ve always admitted they are pop. They are a pop band who play their own instruments, as were Busted and newer bands such as Freefaller, etc. It sounds like I`m a really big McFly fan here, but I`m not really, I just had to make my opinion clear. Final point: If McFly wish to mime, they choose to do that. Not us.

McFly    17:52 on Saturday, March 19, 2005          
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Oops... Top Of The Pops....

Re: mcfly theme    05:54 on Sunday, April 3, 2005          
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Re: mcfly theme    12:26 on Wednesday, April 13, 2005          
(ben jert)
Posted by Archived posts

was crap

Face it    14:46 on Sunday, April 17, 2005          
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Really... McFly are crap. Let me think of one song they did I liked... Uhh... Nope. Nothing.
And prove me if I`m wrong, but McFly are trying to bring Busted back from the dead to plague the universe with CRAP. Don`t say Universe? Thats impossible! Because it is possible. I saw a science tv show once and it said radio waves from earth travel A HELL OF A LONG way into space before `fizzling out`. Damn ocean fm for plaguing aliens with superior technology that would probably want to start an invasion on earth to assasinate them.

And above is prety biased as I`m a huge fan of Mettalica, Iron Maiden, Anthrax ect.

Horns up



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