The Flight of the Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
for Piano 
 653 votes,   Average: 4.6   Plays: 65241

Try listening! ^^


Add to favorites Posted 18 years ago

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19 comments on this file  Post comment
Very fast and furious.
It has lots of life and who ever
is playing it is very skilled.
13 years ago

wow thats realy good
14 years ago

^^Thank u for recommending Very impressive~~
15 years ago

I love this piece. Technicality is my strength. When I saw it, it was under violin. I can't wait to start working on it. It looks like a lot of parts of the chromatic scale.
15 years ago

15 years ago

Wow That was terrific.
15 years ago

15 years ago

Whoa. I could never do that. Props to you.
15 years ago

that was awesome im still learning piano but ill be able to play that one day i hope was did that take you a long time to learn.
15 years ago

I LOVE this song
15 years ago

15 years ago

16 years ago

Rimsky-Korsakov was a musical genius beside J.S.Bach in my eyes. They both composed equally challenging pieces for piano as well as other musical insturments. When I first heard this song and viewed the video on YouTube, it blew me away. I honestly didn't know a solo pianist could move their fingers so quickly and hit every note correctly. I was simply astonished and speechless, there's no other way to describe how I was.

Please visit my site:
16 years ago

You played it very nicely, and i sounds like a wicked tough piece...but... the piece is kinda...ugly...
16 years ago

was that u playing if yes wow u probably been playing for a LONG TIME me it might take me a year to learn it at that speed !!!!!!
16 years ago

this peice is very hard to play, my advice for people trying to learn this peice is dont try to learn it all at once, learn it bit by bit and then put it all together, will make it much easier, also SLOW IT DOWN, dont try to learn it at tempo, slow it down to about 60 and then when your comfortable with the peice, then up the tempo
17 years ago

that was great, I liked it!! I do not think i would be able to do that.

Keep it up!
17 years ago

i was like, what in the HELL was that? i was squinting my left eye while listening to this because somehow, i could inly hear out of my left ear. in the beginning, i really couldnt tell if it was you or some type of distorted recording. but i heard a few messups. throughout the song it sounded more realistic and like a human was polaying it, finally. but it still heart my left ear. poor esar. you owe me a new one. if it was you playing, clean it up andgood job.
17 years ago

oh my goodness! i'm not even going to attempt at saying how amazing that was! actually i kind of find it hard to believe you're actually playing it
17 years ago


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