Me : Flute Quartet

Flute Quartet by Me
for Wind Quartet 
 19 votes,   Average: 4.47   Plays: 10845

A flute quartet I made. It sounds much better than the wind quintet, but let me know what you think! :D

Add to favorites Posted 16 years ago

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4 comments on this file  Post comment
this is nice!
can i have the music for this?
16 years ago

It's interesting how I even got the idea for this piece.

There was a song that my jazz band was practicing, and there was a part where the flutes didn't play, but that was the section being practiced, so the 6 of us just sat there, bored. Then, I got an idea for a melody, and I wrote the first 2 measures of the piece (for 1 flute only), and I took it home and put it into the comp. and made a flute quartet.
16 years ago

No, I haven't studied those.
16 years ago

Hi, is nice, u studied harmony or counterpoint?
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16 years ago

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