Piano sonata no. 1 Laura Lee, in f minor by André van Haren
for Piano 
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Here is the first movement of my first Piano sonata, "Laura Lee", in f minor, it is dedicated to my daughter Laura Lee. I wrote it between April and August 2007. 1. Allegro con brio


Add to favorites Posted 15 years ago

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hohoho, yes, jona have reason.
15 years ago

yeah buit it would be awesome to have a name in history think about it.

15 years ago

Let my name in music history? That's a strange thing to go for. All I want is to write music the way I feel it, others will decide what happens with it.
15 years ago

i tell you... this is so common.
if you want to let your name in the history of the music you most do something new.
15 years ago

What do you listen to before you compose? This sounds like Mendelssohn and Joplin at the same time! Did you upload the score? I suppose it hasn't made it through the system yet...
15 years ago

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