beethoven : MoonLight sonata

MoonLight sonata by beethoven
for Piano 
 82 votes,   Average: 4.01   Plays: 13671

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Add to favorites Posted 18 years ago

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6 comments on this file  Post comment
Yeah, this was played very fast. It was great, but I think if it were played slower and with a lot more feeling, it would be even better.
15 years ago

Played very well, but I agree with the others in that it should be played slower and with more emotion. Well done though.

15 years ago

i mean
16 years ago

yeah...its titally nice!!!!!especially with more fillings...
16 years ago

Very correctly played, if only I could play it like that! but yes, it should be a little slower and with feeling. It would sound more impressive. Still very very good.
17 years ago

i agree with piano lover it supposed to have a lot of sorrow and grief in the world it takes time to get over those 2 things but the plays was very beauitiful
17 years ago

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