Chiapanecas (Mexican Trad.)
Sheet music for Trumpet

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About 'Chiapanecas (Mexican Trad.)'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
Un clavel corté.
Por la sierra azul,
caminito de mi rancho,
como el viento fue
mi caballo fiel
a llevarme hasta su lado.
Linda flor de abril,
toma este clavel,
que te brindo con pasión.
No me digas no,
que en tu boca está
el secreto de mi amor.

Cuando la noche llegó
y con su manto de azul
el blanco rancho cubrió,
alegre el baile empezó.

Baila, mi chiapaneca;
baila, baila con garbo;
baila, suave rayo de luz.
Baila mi chiapaneca;
baila, baila con garbo,
que en el baile
la reina eres tú (Chiapaneca gentil).

I cut/plucked a carnation. My faithful horse went like the wind through the blue mountain range, (down) the little road to my ranch, to bring me to its side. Lovely flower of April, take this carnation, which I bring to you with passion. Do not say no to me, for the secret of my love is in your mouth.

When the night arrived and covered the white ranch with its blue cloak, the happy dance began.

Dance, my Chiapaneca; dance, dance with grace; dance, soft ray of light. Dance, my Chiapaneca; dance, dance with grace, for in the dance you are the queen (gentle Chiapaneca).
Time Signature:
3/4 (View more 3/4 Music)
Score Key:
Bb major (Sounding Pitch) C major (Trumpet in Bb) (View more Bb major Music for Trumpet )
Tempo Marking:
One in a bar .=c.60
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Trumpet  (View more Easy Trumpet Music)
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