Haul Away, Joe
Sheet music for Trumpet

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About 'Haul Away, Joe'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.
1. When I was just a little lad or so me mammy told me,
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
That if I didn't kiss the girls me lips would grow a-moldy.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.

Away Ho! haul away! we'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away Ho! haul away! we'll haul for better weather.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.

2. I used to have an Irish girl, but she got fat and lazy
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
But now I've got a Bristol girl, and she just drives me crazy
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.


3. Old Louis was the king of France before the revolution.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
But then he got his head chopped off an' it spoiled his constitution.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.


4. You call yourself a second mate, you cannae tie a bowline,
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
You can't even stand up straight, when the packet she's a rollin'
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.


5. Well now can't you see the black clouds a-gatherin'.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Well now can't you see the storm clouds a-risin'.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.

Score Key:
D minor (Sounding Pitch) E minor (Trumpet in Bb) (View more D minor Music for Trumpet )
Time Signature:
6/8 (View more 6/8 Music)
Tempo Marking:
With energy .=100
Number of Pages:
Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience
Trumpet  (View more Easy Trumpet Music)
© Copyright 2000-2024 Red Balloon Technology Ltd (8notes.com)
This piece is included in the following :
Sea Shanties for Trumpet
Sea Shanties for Trumpet
Pieces in 6-8 Time Signature
Pieces in 6-8 Time Signature

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