The Red Light Saloon
Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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The Red Light Saloon

Red Light Saloon 2

I landed in Rawlins and nothing to do
So I took a short walk to the Red Light Saloon.
I opened the door, stepped up to the bar,
Says a dancing young beauty, "Will you have a cigar?"
I took the cigar and sat down in a chair,
'Twas not very long till she crept around there.
She stepped up a-smilin'; sat down on my knee,
"You are a gay fellow, and this I can see."

"You are a cowpuncher, and this I do know,
Your muscles are hard from your head to your toe."
She twisted my moustache, she smoothed down my hair;
My "ellick" grew hard; it did, I declare.
I got up from the chair, the cigar I threw down,
Says I to this fair one, "Let's go have a round."
She got up a-smilin', led the way up the stair,
The stairs they were covered with those draperies most rare.

Her room she led the way to.
She pulled down the curtains, and at it we flew.
I pulled out my hobo, and I gave her a shove,
Such glorious feelings from the Power above.
She lay there contented, looked up with a smile,
Said "Up you young cowboy, you've got me with child."
She's a dancing young beauty; she's a rose in full bloom,
And she fucks for five dollars in the Red Light Saloon.

From the Whorehouse Bells were Ringing, Logsdon
Recorded by Oscar Brand, American Drinking Songs

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About 'The Red Light Saloon'

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The Artist:
Traditional Music of unknown author.

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